Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another batch of RRXX pix downloaded from Live

Yes, it's that time again - 209 pictures downloaded from Live over the last seven months or so. I know I keep saying this, but I'm still amazed at the pictures people manage to get out of this game, even five years on after the release date. (Also, I know I keep saying this, too, but leave Sebestian out of your photos. Nobody wants to see him.)

Download links!




(Password is: Banned)

** Update **

Well, forget that Megaupload link, I guess. Jesus.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's Hideous ECW Wrestling Game Month!!!!!!!!

Yes, it's that time of the year again - put on your hideous holiday sweaters, make a nice fire, put on some Christmas music, and gather the whole family to watch low-polygon versions of Dawn Marie and Jazz punch each other in the groin.

December will have five Saturday videos, the first two being the relatively sane ECW Hardcore Revolution, and the last three being the dumpster-match craziness of ECW Anarchy Rulz (because poor literacy is kewl). These are some games I'd never played until just now, and although the graphics have aged about as well as any polygonal PlayStation 1 game, I am impressed at the sheer number of match types. We'll see how many of them I can show off in five videos (spoiler alert: five). Stay tuned.

** Update **

First video!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm back & HOLY SHIT what did they do to YouTube??

Well, I'm back. How was the vacation? Awesome, thanks; We went to the Epcot Food & Wine Festival, and I finally got to go on Soarin', which holy shit, nobody cares about hearing about my vacation, do they? Let's leave it at that I'm rested and relaxed, and should now be responding to messages and comments much sooner*.

Also, jesus god, what the hell happened to the YouTube front page? And I thought them fucking around with the way the channels look was bad. Holy hell. Well, um, stay tuned for December; Check back on Saturday for the first match of another special month, and check back here for the big announcement. Can this top two extremely polygonal women hitting each other with sinks and traffic cones in the WCW bathroom? Amazingly, the answer is yes. Cue shocked emoticon to end post on:

* As in probably within three weeks instead of six

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vacation time woop woop woop woop!!!!!

It's that time of the year again - time to pay ten month's worth of mortgage payments to jet down to Disney's Polynesian Resort for 2 weeks of fun, sun, fun in the sun, sun's fun in the sun that has fun with the sun whose sun we are having fun with.

Ahem. As you can tell, I'm excited. As noted, pretty much at least the first half of November is going to be a wash. I'll try to upload a 100% body 0% muscle match for Thanksgiving and make some lame jokes about how they all ate a lot of turkey and mashed potatoes ha ha etc. Otherwise upload activity is probably going to be pretty light, and responding to comments/messages is going to be not at all during the first half and at a slower pace during the second half (okay, who yelled "is that even possible"). Wish me a nice vacation, and if you see a slouching guy who needs to shave with his wife with big boobs in the Polynesian, yes, I will sign autographs.

Monday, October 10, 2011

2011's remaining schedule

You may have noticed there was no WAS 2 video this week; The simple fact is that I'm running short of WAS 2 requests, so these might get cut down to every other week or just filled with my own whims in terms of matchups, depending on how I'm feeling.

So what about Saturday videos? Well, you may disagree with me here, but I have to say Supremacy MMA was kind of a bust; Turns out neither one of the female fighters has any submissions at all (!). I mean, I could do story mode, but it's basically just the same fight over and over again. I was kind of hoping to get a little more material from it, but those are the breaks. So what's on tap?

Well, October is probably going to be business as usual, which is to say Rumble Roses on Saturday and, like above, possibly every other WAS 2 on Wednesday. I'm working on some side projects, but I wouldn't expect to see any of them until 2012. (Wait, you want to know what I'm actually working on? Okay, you talked me into it - Knockout Kings, Black and Bruised, and Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 for the PS2, primarily.)
Why won't any of these be ready in November or December, you ask? Well, November is going to mostly be a wash; I'm going on vacation to Disney to celebrate the second anniversary of my wife turning 29, and I'm going to be gone like 17 days or something ridiculous, and when I get back both Skyrim and Saint's Row 3 are going to be waiting for me, so I don't anticipate that November's going to be terribly productive.

December, however, I am cooking up another theme month. Let's just say you may not want to remember getting dismembered in December. Although you probably wouldn't be able to remember anything because you'd probably be dead after getting dismembered. Anyway, stay tuned.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Supremacy MMA is here, tonight!

Well, Supremacy MMA kept getting delayed, so imagine my surprise to find a copy of it on my doorstep Friday. Luckily the game has a simulation mode, so I recorded two CPU vs CPU matches. I'm debating doing an entire career mode; The problem with having your game only have two women and no create-a-fighter and making it so the women can only fight each other is that the career mode looks like this:

Whoever you picked: Las Vegas, a city built by bandits. I came out here to [our hero presses start]

(Fight whichever female fighter you didin't pick.)

Whoever you picked: After I beat up (whoever you didn't pick), I was ready to head back East. Imagine my surprise when my trainer called up and told me (whoever you didn't pick) wanted a rematch. I was going to say no until I heard that she said I had a big butt and my butt smelled and I liked to kiss my own butt.

(Fight whichever female fighter you didin't pick.)

Whoever you picked: After I beat (whoever you didn't pick) again, I thought I was ready to head back east, but...

Anyway, you can see where I'm going with this. What I'd really like to show off more than the story mode is the submission system, but the CPU doesn't seem to want to cooperate with this; I can slam the computer down and start punching and kneeing them, but actually getting a submission hold on is difficult; Even making the opponent a "second player" another controller where I never touch any buttons, the instructions for putting on submission holds doesn't seem to work, and in all the fights I've simmed, the fighters will slam each other on the mat once in a while, but they just elbow and knee each other. This might just be because the two female's fighting styles are kickboxing and muay thai, but I'll keep plugging away and see what I can come up with. In the mean time, enjoy this week's match, and uh, you may not want to watch next week's if you're squeamish.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

(confetti falls from the rafters as the crowd goes wild)

As you may remember from my last post, YouTube randomly decided that one of the WAS 2 videos I uploaded (specifically Chris Morgan vs Beauty Ichigaya) violated the "community standards". I appealed this, and to my amazement, justice has won out (this following part should all be a blockquote, but the image might mess up the formatting):

Regarding your account: RyonaKing

The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content that may not be suitable for all viewers:

WAS 2 Beauty Ichigaya vs Chris Morgan

As a result, we have age-restricted this content.

For more information on YouTube's Community Guidelines and how they are enforced, please visit the help center

The YouTube Team

Yeah, I still don't get what the big deal is, but what the hell, I'll take it. Now if I can just get that COMMUNITY STRIKE for my PG-rated backround where you can see an inch of Rowdy Reiko's sideboob to age off my account, I'll be all set. Group hug.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What the what?

Here's what I logged in to see today:

The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled:

  • WAS 2 Beauty Ichigaya vs Chris Morgan - (RyonaKing)

YouTube is not the place for nudity, pornography or other sexually provocative content. YouTube makes limited exceptions for appropriate educational, documentary, artistic and scientific contexts, but only in limited circumstances where the purpose of posting is clear and any nudity it is not sexual in nature.

Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the permanent termination of your account.

For more information on YouTube's Community Guidelines and how they are enforced, please visit the help center.

For your reference, a copy of this message has also been emailed to the address associated with this account.

So, uh. I don't get it; I'm not really sure what community guideline this is apparently violating. Nudity? Is one-piece bathing suits nudity? Violence, because there's barely-animated wrestling moves? Is this a Chris Morgan hater who's mad that she lost? Well, if YouTube upholds this COMMUNITY STRIKE, I guess there's nothing to stop people from flagging all the other WAS and WAS2 videos, which should get my account terminated. Since they're, uh, against some guidelines? Needless to say I appealed this, but I don't really have much to go on since they don't actually tell you which one of the guidelines it violated, so I don't even know what horrid content it supposedly has; Hard to say more than "lol what does this violate" considering how vague the guidelines are and how little information I've been givn. Anyway, I don't have high hopes of the video getting reinstated, but we'll see. Stay tuned.

** Update **

Gonna post this on Viddler as part of the sadly growing Too Hot for Youtube collection:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Irene, you cunt!

Now a super quick service advisory: The Ryona Kingdom is located in beautiful upstate NY, so we're in the path of Irene, although by the time it gets here it should be down to Tropical Storm levels and not actual hurricane strength. We're not supposed to get hit until Sunday morning, so the last WCW Backstage Assault should be up on time, but if your good pal RyonaKing isn't seen or heard from after that, well, I'm probably cursing loudly by candlelight. (More likely, nothing's going to happen, which is what I'm hoping for, since I have exactly zero preparations in case something does go wrong.)

** Update **

Well, it just rained a little. Now I feel bad I called Irene a cunt.

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Hideous WCW PlayStation Wrestling Game Month!!!!!!

Oh, fuck. Here we go. Yes, it's WCW playstation wrestling game month! The card is:

August 6th: WCW Nitro
August 13th: WCW Thunder

Now I'm gonna be really honest here: Nitro and Thunder are garbage. I'm sure these were more impressive when they came out, and I'm willing to forgive the graphics since every polygonal game on the PlayStation that isn't Final Fantasy VIII is hideous, but the gameplay - my god, the gameplay. I've been spoiled silly by Smackdown's sensible and easy to use controls where you have a button to lock up; Nitro and Thunder have WWF Warzone-style moves where you press < O O or v X X or whatever to do a piledriver, and everybody has the same moves and god damn it is bad. And that's leaving out the insanity of having random wrestlers do run-ins (the first trial match I wrestled, Rey Mysterio ran in to beat up one of the Nitro girls).
Backstage Assault I perversely actually like the best, even though it's a mess of a game. I'm just gonna come out and admit it - I kind of love Backstage Assault just for the novelty value. In this era of PG-rated WWE games where DIVAS can't use weapons at all, it's just downright fucking weird being able to boot this game up and make Stacy Keibler kill Torrie Wilson by repeatedly hitting her over the head with a ceramic sink or iron bar.

So that's what you have to look forward to; I await with baited breath your angry comments and annoyed emoticons. This is truly going to be the greatest month in the history of our sport('s hideous decade old WCW wrestling games)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

August is a surprise month!

Big news: Next month -August, assuming I live that long with this heat wave - is going to have a special theme. No Rumble Roses videos on Saturday; All four Saturday videos are going to be very, very special. What is it, you ask? It's not Game Boy Boxing Month (still working on recording those). So what then? Well, let's just say that these four Saturdays may very well be the greatest nights in the history of our sport. And if you enjoyed Hideous Playstation Boxing Game Month, you're really going to enjoy this, and you should also probably get your eyes checked.
Have I said too much? All right, more than that, you'll just have to wait and see. Cherish the next two Rumble Roses XX videos, they're the last ones you'll be seeing for a while. Stay tuned - the announcement will go up on the 5th of August, with the first video on the 6th. w00p

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Well, I gotta admit I didn't think it was going to happen, but Chris Morgan finally lost, and in fact not only lost, but gave up. And who finally vanquished her? Well, if you can't tell from the image there, yes, it's Migiri. Although you now already know who won, if you haven't seen it yet, I recommend you check it out; It's quite a match, and I really thought it was all over once Migiri got hit with that second piledriver, but she really does have the heart of a champion.

So what now? I dunno; I like Migiri a lot, so I guess this is an excuse to put her in more videos. And I guess there's no need to keep the Chris challenge going; After the beating she took, she probably needs a few weeks to recover (if nothing else to ice her face after Migiri hit it with the dreaded flying ass smash).
So that's that - if you got any Migiri requests, hit me with 'em; She's earned her place in the spotlight.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Schedule musings

I've been thinking a bit about the video schedule; I'm pretty comfortable the way it is now with 2 a week, but I'm wondering if we're reaching the point where that's too many and it's just becoming numbing. Now don't get me wrong, I love Rumble Roses XX and it's basically custom made for people like me (and you, I'm assuming, if you're reading this) - but I wonder if it's getting over saturated; The fact that the customization is so bare-bones really limits how much you can do, and I feel like I've explored messing with the sliders/costumes almost as much as I can. This doesn't mean that RRXX videos would go away entirely, but maybe they might be cut down to one a month so they don't all blend together after a while.

So what then? Four WAS2 videos a month, one Rumble Roses XX video? I don't know; Then you risk overloading on WAS2, I think, although that game has so many charecters I think it's going to be quite a while before that happens. What I'd really like to do is maybe switch to a one video a week format; WAS 2 - Rumble Roses XX - WAS 2 - video from another game. (Maybe that's a little complicated, but what the fuck; You people are smart, you'll figure it out.)
Of course that leaves the question what "video from another game" entails. What I'd like to do is track down every sports game with ladies you can pair up in existance and see if I can make videos out of them. The downside is that videos like this take much longer to produce. Put aside the difficulty in getting the game and unlocking the ladies in the first place (which is annoyingly applicable) - there's still technical issues, and more troubling to me, the actual playing of the game. After grinding for money for 400+ hours in Rumble Roses I can probably play it in my sleep (it got to the point where I could literally win a tag match with my eyes closed). It's not so bad if there's a CPU versus CPU mode, but if there isn't - here I'm casting a sidelong glance at Wade Hixon's Counter Punch - I'd prefer to actually display a tiny amount of skill, if only enough so that the game doesn't look like indiscriminate flailing.
All that being said, the method I prefer is to present a bunch of games, and whichever one strikes a cord I can record more of (so make sure you leave comments/send requests if you see a game you want more videos made out of).

So that's what I'm thinking of doing. If you have any comments, by all means let me know - I tend to lean towards whoever I'm hearing from at the moment, and I doubt most people have read this far, so your opinion will probably have some weight. I'm still thinking this all over, so I dunno when this switch is going to take place - probably pretty soon since I'm running low on Rumble Roses videos. I might, if I can find any spare time, record Gameboy Boxing Game Month, and then when that's over go into the new schedule. Or, of course, this could happen
and I'll be sent to prison for bitches for the rest of my life; We'll see.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Chris Morgan?

Chris Morgan, female Hulk Hogan, is almost unbeatable. Chris - which is a boy's name!!! - despite having her power turned down to one, has cut quite a swath through the ranks of wrestlers so far. She's cruelly stomped Suzumi Ishikawa, Win Mirror, Ledy Cody, Rose Hewitt, Dynamite Rin, Beauty Ichigaya, Panther Risako, Anny Beach and most recently destroyed Giantslayer Noel Shirashi even though Noel's birthday present to me was trying to win =[

So what to do about it? Well, since the Giantslayer herself went down to birthday defeat, I'm aching to see someone capable of beating Chris. Like I said up at the beginning, I've been turning her power down to 1, but WAS 2's power settings for some reason have almost no effect on forgein wrestlers; I assume in management mode you can build up a wrestler to give Chris the beating she so richly deserves, but in exhibition mode, she's an unstoppable beast.

Now you might be surprised to hear that Chris actually was defeated - squashed, no less! - by of all people Shinobu Echigo way back in WAS 1. The only wrestler who's been able to defeat her in 2 is Dark Star Chaos. Suggested wrestlers to try are Migiri Ozora, Thunder Ryuko, and Bunny Bomber; Migiri's bigger than Chris, Ryuko's very tough, and Bunny Bomber has bigger boobs than Chris, but I have my doubts that any of them are going to be able to defeat her.
However - whoever can defeat Chris will not only have endless bragging rights, but also, I don't know, I guess the right to appear in more videos? I already used up my commission fund for this year, so I can't afford to have her immortalized in art, but she'll probably be appearing in more videos. Chrislayer whoever. Stay tuned, although don't hold your breath that Chris is going to stay down for the 3 any time soon.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Where'd the top comments go?

One kind of post I unforchies can't do anymore is "Top Comments", mostly because trolls no longer seem to hang around my videos. Admittedly, there are still people hit and running with stuff like "gay" and "wtf" and there are some great comments. Just at random, ones I've seen recently: "in pro wrestling, this move is called the cameltoe clutch" and "HOW THE FUCK CAN U DISLIKE THIS".
The issue I have there is that these aren't negative if not always complimentary; I feel like the gag only works if I have a grandiose introduction about the frank exchange of ideas and thoughtful comments to follow, and then straight-facedly present a bunch of people calling myself or other viewers GAY FAGZ or sad bastards. This may partly be my own fault; I can't remember if I've been banning trolls from commenting or not, but that may be why they're gone. Cue sad face: =(

That being said, I did see an absolutely great comment that I'm going to try and work into conversations whenever possible:

lol @ 2:05 tifa having a right good feel of elanas bum =]

lol indeed. That's all for today; Go have a right good feel of your special person's bum now, you sad bastards.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just a reminder

Wednesday, June 15th, is my birthday, when I'll be turning twenty-(coughing, mumbling wheezing). Don't feel bad if your present is late; I like late presents, they cheer me up more than getting everything all at once. And no, I don't have enough text to fill in the space next to this image; It's my birthday, I don't have to. Just do what the image says.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

High quality pix from Live II

Yes! It's more pictures from Live. Usual disclaimers apply - I didn't take any of these, and stop taking fucking Sebastian pictures. Pack's available in three flavors this time. (I registered for the Rumble Roses group on Deviantart, but I feel bad going in and dumping 197 images on them all at once.) Rars of the pack are available on my two favorite file hosting companies.



All of them are also viewable on Photobucket, now password-protected so that the disgusting human female form doesn't get me in trouble like it has in the past.


(Password is: Banned )

Sunday, May 15, 2011

General schedule & video & ampersand update

Not a lot going on right now; Supremacy MMA's coming out in June, which will yield two videos (Video 1: Felice "Lil Dog" Herrig vs Michele "Diablita" Gutierrez; Video 2: Michele "Diablita" Gutierrez vs Felice "Lil Dog" Herrig) and I'll probably be making some videos out of the PlayStation "Kickboxing" game (which is apparently similar to playstation "Boxing" game, amazing graphics and all). There's some other stuff I'm tinkering with, but it's all on the back burner for right now. Instead, I thought it'd be fun to count up how many videos I have in the can and waiting to post. (drumroll)

Wrestle Angel Survivor 2 has 11 videos - 2 months and 3 weeks' worth - currently ready to go. I actually cleared out my to-be-recorded list, so this is a good time to make a request; It should be recorded right away, even if it isn't posted for 3 months.

Rumble Roses XX has 15 videos - 3 months and 3 weeks' worth - waiting to be uploaded. (Not including one relaxing video that's just a tag team breathing after the match is over). If you have any simple requests, this is a good time for them, as all I have left on my to-record list is big tag matches or single-move specials, which take hours to set up, record, and edit into one six-minute video. Ugh.

So that's that - another Rumble Roses XX Picture Pack will be coming soon, and if anybody knows a good PlayStation emulator that can both use DexDrive saves and record video easily, drop me a line. (Don't suggest epsxe, please; Darn thing crashed my computer last time I tried it.) Rar!

** Update **

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Our hero is struck down

Here's some advice from me: Don't get the stomach flu. Had I been able to peer into the future to follow my own advice, I'd be much happier right now. But I didn't, and now it's too late. While I'm laid out drinking ginger ale and eating toast, there's going to be pretty much no activity (comments, personal messages, etc) and this includes, sadly, no videos. Isn't it sad?
I first got sick on Tuesday, so hopefully this won't last too long (don't get me started on how sick I am of toast already). Today (5/4) definitely won't have a video, and it's not looking so hot for Saturday the 7th either. After that I'll either be cured or go to the doctor. Yerg.

** Update **

Thank god that's over with! Now back to my healthy diet of fried chicken, red peppers, pasta, and BLs (BLT without the T). Hell yeah!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New video recording device!

Second in a row Red the fuck Alert! There's a **NEW** device for capturing footage from a console that I suggest you L@@K at - the super imagnitively titled "Game Capture". Check it out here. Admittedly, it's a little bit pricey, but I'm glad to see this. I never got why Adaptec stopped making Gamebridges so quick, so here's hoping Roxio keeps this in production a little longer. Actually, this looks pretty much like a Gamebridge, but the connection is Component instead of the gamebridge Composite. Of course, who knows if you'll be able to tell the difference once YouTube is done manhandling the footage, but it can't hurt. Even better, this thing looks like it works under 7 and Vista, whereas the Gamebridge drivers only work on XP. Unlike the previous post, I don't really care if you get this or not, just thought I'd pass it along. If you do end up getting it, Roxio gave me a coupon code that should save you some cash when you check out: FRIENDS10

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quick plug

Red the fuck Alert! There's a new POV boxing PC game out! "Dream Knockout". Here's the purchase link. You can see some screenshots and shit on the author's deivantart page.
I'll tell you right out that I already purchased this game and it's pretty good. The author plays with the POV perspective in a refreshing way, and really, people, we're not gonna get more of these games if you don't go out and buy the ones that are already out! (All right, my only caveat: You're playing as a submissive, so even on the "I admit I'm a worm, don't hit me so hard" difficulty mode, I got my ass beat twice. Aw.) I might see about doing a playthrough for a YT video, but I'm probably gonna ask the author first out of courtesy - I'm not sure if he wants some of the stuff to stay as surprises. Now go check it out!

Oh, PS: Arcana Heart 3 is also out on the PSN. (Get Dream Knockout first, it's half the price)

PPS: Photo unrelated, sorry. I wish Blogger would add support for the caption tag. Got dang.

** Update **

Permission granted! Now if I can just get the sound to work. Woof!

Friday, April 1, 2011

New backround poll

All right - here it is, your chance to vote on the new channel backround. I went through my folders and grabbed the images that I thought both looked best, and were least likely to get banned (had to skip a few WAS images where the girls were showing - gasp - the tops of their boobs, truly a disgusting horrifying sight). I was gonna set up a way to vote for "Other" and suggest one, but since this is gonna be pulled down in two months anyway, maybe I'll set that up for next time. There's too many to post in here, and ha ha, turns out I got banned from Photobucket (I'm now the second-most hated man in America!) so I set a new album up. Here's the link:

Password is "RyonaKing". I was gonna set up a HTML poll, but there's like 27 choices, so that's a little bit out of the question. Uh, vote in the comments, I guess. Hopefully with 27 choices one of them gets at least two votes :X

** Update **

If you can, include the number at the end of the image (ex. Makoto eating Aigle's rice is 01) - makes it easier to write down on my little results sheet here. Two votes recorded so far!

** Update 2 **

Vote totals so far:

(Hitomi Fujishima, according to MegamanZXOmega)
Mighty Yukiko: 2 votes
Rowdy Reiko: 1 vote
Megumi Muto: 1 vote

** Update 3 **

Poll closes tomorrow (April 13)!

** Update 4 **

Poll's closed. Boom!

** Update 5 **

Oh, maybe I need to size that down a little bit. You can hardly tell what it is.

** Update 6 **

Record for most updates to a single post!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For fucks sake!

YouTube | Broadcast Yourself™

Regarding your account: RyonaKing

An image you selected for your YouTube channel has been disabled for violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines.

Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the termination of your account.


The YouTube Team

Really? Really???
** Update **
Whoever photoshops a burqa onto Reiko here gets a month's worth of free requests. (Click to enlarge)

** Update 2 **

Okay, I guess that's kind of a silly idea. Gonna put up a poll where YOU, THE VIEWER, can choose what my next YT background that YT can moronically pull down in two months will be. Ugh.

Monday, March 7, 2011

High quality pix from Live!

As I'm sure you remember, I can now get much higher quality images from Live. Without (much) further ado, here's a collection of them. I'm not really sure this is nessessary now that all you need is a $8 USB drive to download these yourself, but, like I said, this is easier for lazy people, and lazy people are my people. I could have put these on Photobucket - turns out that if you password protect the album, it apparently prevents the photobucket police from going through and deleting the pix. But, laziness. Maybe later, we'll see. For now, you can download all the pictures, in original super high quality, direct from my favorite file-sharing services. Drumroll!



Sunday, February 27, 2011

March is Mirror Match Madness Month! Moo!

Well, I think that went pretty well - Knuckle Pine month is all wrapped up, and it's no longer -7 degrees outside on a daily basis. Ugh. You may have noticed that Wrestle Angel Survivor hasn't been getting much attention here lately; Ever since TryFirst took down the roster pages, there's not really much to add, and while I'm still working on an update pack for the big image bomb from back when, that's way on the back burner.

However! A mirror match posted a while back seemed to be a big hit, so what the fuck: March is officially Mirror Match Month for WAS 2. Now, did I make March Mirror Match Month because I'm a alliteration-appreciating American? Affirmative . Anyway, each WAS 2 match in March will be a mirror match. As for the Saturday videos, I'm not so sure yet. I have a half-recorded idea to make Persona vs Persona matches in Rumble Roses, where the normal and Superstar versions of the face personality team up against the normal and superstar versions of the heel personality. In a case where there's barely any difference (Dr A, I'm looking at you) it's just a fatal four-way. Except that of course I have ten of those, and there's only four Saturdays. So fuck it, I dunno what I'll do yet. You'll just have to stay tuned, I guess.

** Update **

Also, I just now realized I messed up my own schedule and forgot to upload the last Knuckle Pine video. Uh, that's next Saturday, I guess. Woops.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fuck Yeah

Finally some good news! UFC Undisputed 20xx doesn't have them, EA Sports MMA (stupidly) doesn't have them, but finally - finally!! - they annouced Supremacy MMA is going to have some representatives of the other half of the world's population: Chicks. Apparently, it will include just two fighters - and I'm not looking my gift horse in the mouth here - and they are (drumroll):
Felice "Lil Dog" Herrig and Michele "Diablita" Gutierrez!
(Not pictured above: Either one of these women. Real MMA fighters have cornrows or short hair, and probably not as much eye makeup.) No word yet on any kind of create a fighter, but that's just icing, as far as I'm concerned. W00p

** Update **

I almost forgot, Arcana Heart 3's also confirmed for North America. Good news, too, I'm gonna get it, but I'm probably not going to make any videos out of it (I didn't out of Arcana Heart 1, either) for the simple reason that I'm not very good at any 2D fighter past Street Fighter Turbo 3. You kids today.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ripoff alert! Bwoop! Bwoop! Bwoop!

Do not - I repeat, do not - purchase this DL Site product. Don't make the same mistake I did. The author, for some reason, decided to ruin this black and white boxing comic by putting a big, colored, circular watermark in the middle of every fucking page. Suffice to say, this makes the whole thing unreadable and a total ripoff. This is what I get for actually purchasing products. Jesus christ. Well, buying anything from this guy is a mistake I won't be making again, and you shouldn't, either. This has been a public service message.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Knuckle Pine Dash review

Knuckle Pine Dash
Price (as of early 2010): $12.66

Amazingly, the basic premise between Knuckle Pine and Knuckle Pine Dash is the same: Get in the ring with Pine, and if you beat her, you get to put your thingie in her you know what. If you lose, you get laughed at in a Duck Hunt-esque manner and you have to go home to, I guess, pleasure yourself, or maybe sleep with your wife. Unless she was watching the match and won't sleep with you either. Ladies like a winner. Unless this is H/C fic.

Man, I'm way off topic already. So the basic objective is the same, but some of the details have changed. Instead of just boxing until one of you is knocked out, you now go three rounds with Pine, and whoever has more health left at the end is victorious. (I'd really like to know who's judging these matches, by the way.) In the case of a tie, Pine is awarded the bout. I personally find this to be a little weird; The first game, I thought, had kind of a underground boxing type of feel, where two combatants get in the ring, Pine putting her body on the line, and you putting, uh, I guess your pride, or maybe your face if you get beaten up. Having three rounds - and judges; that sill blows my mind - kinda dilutes this whole atmosphere a little bit. I mean, there isn't even an audience, as far as I can see; Maybe in the first game you and Pine just met in a boxing ring to settle your differences. But what's happening now? All right, I'll tell you, what's happening now is that I'm thinking about this way too much. Oh, and uh, also, between rounds, both of you can get your health back (by picking random cards, same interface as how you box.)

In addition, Pine has been hitting the gym in between games; While she's something of a puss in the original game, she's now quite a tough cookie, and you'll probably win as often as you lose. Both of you now have super punches (marked as a V on the cards). If you draw a V and she doesn't, she gets pounded. If she draws a V and you don't, she knocks your punches out of the way and throws a punch in your face. If you both draw a V, you both go crazy punching each other.
Lastly, you can remove both Pine's top and bottom by clicking in between her boobs and just above her panties, respectively, although removing each piece will make you take as much damage as a super punch as Pine is scandalized by your ungentlemanly behaviour.

Now this all sounds good, but I don't think the three round match length really works to the game's advantage. In the original game, it's easy to forgive the fact that there's no skill involved and you're just picking numbers because the match is over so fast. It's harder to ignore this during a three-round slugfest. It can become particuarlly annoying if you find that you're losing the match, or if you want a specific outcome like winning on points; There's no way to take it easy on Pine, and there's no way to do better, just keep picking numbers. To this day I've still never won on points because you can't run the clock out. The only thing you can do to actually effect the match is to deliberately click Pine's clothes off, which is dangerous since she gets a free super punch.

Other than that there's the H-mode; I think you can do more things than just zoom zoom in her boom boom, but I'll be fucked if I can figure out how. There's also endless boxing mode.

If it seems like I complained a lot, well, I did. Maybe these are all minor complaints, but since (spoiler alert) they're fixed in 3, I'd have to recommend you either pick up the original and save $4 or get a paper route to afford the extra $6 you'd have to pay to get the third game.

Recommended? Gosh, don't you read? I humbly recommend you pick up 1 or 3, kid.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

RRXX Singles Tournament Wrapup

Final word on the tournament! Sgt. Clements was the victor, defeating Noble Rose, who I have to admit I'm amazed made it to the finals. Sista A came in second winning her loser's bracket match. (There's a lot of upset Candy Cane fans out there, so we'll put that down as unfinished business for now.) In addition to her grand prize of nothing, Sgt. Clements will also be reciving this commission of her victorious over poor old Noble Rose, courtesy of DK Studios (who I highly recommend for all your commissioning needs; tell her RK sent you). Behold:

And that's that! As a final note, it looks like there's some interest in a tag tournament, so I'll probably record that one of these years; Since the entire singles tournament just got posted, it'll probably be a while to avoid overload. There's two one issues I can see: One is that RRXX tag matches are long as fuck, since the computer can keep doing "RESCUE" interrupts forever, and does. Hopefully YT will actually raise my upload limit beyond 15 minutes one of these years.
The second issue is number of teams; Putting each wrestler into a tag team yields five teams. One of them can get a bye into the next round, but that means Round 2 will have three tag teams. Likewise, I can add an extra team comprised of both forms of Lady X, making six teams in Round 1, but that also produces three teams in Round 2. The alternative is cutting a team and starting with four in Round 1 - but I dunno who to cut. I can't cut Benikage without also cutting Anesthesia. Well, no need to sweat it out now. You know what month kicks off with the first video today. Check it out; I'll know if you don't.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's Knuckle Pine Jelly Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Left: She's a boxer with blonde hair and blue trunks, close enough)

A commenter on one of the tournament videos asked what Knuckle Pine is, and seeing as how it's now offically Knuckle Pine month, here's the short answer for all you noobs out there: It's a series of three first-person boxing games in which you box with, and then have loving intercourse with, a lady boxer named Pine who apparently has decided this is how she's going to become the next Mike Tyson, or maybe she just can't admit she likes you and wants to see how far you'll go to get in her blue bikini bottoms. You can see a detailed review of the first in the series here. I've been meaning to review the other two (see this post for a list of all the DL site reviews) - so look for that this month. Also, valentine's day is this month, and luckily since I've already decided on the theme of Pine's various games, I don't have to try to come up with some kind of special valtentine's day video. Boom.

Anyways, that's all the big news, if you count "I'm finally going to post reviews of the other two Pine games" as big news, which I guess nobody does. That's probably medium-small news. However, I'd also like to use this opportunity for a disclaimer: No matter how nicely you ask, unfortunately, I can't provide free copies of any of these games. The artists who make them aren't going to continue to produce games if everyone downloads them for free instead of purchasing them. And besides, these aren't $60 investments - as of this writing, the first game in the series is a whopping $8, and the final game in the series is under $20. If these games were hard to get ahold of, that would be one thing, but all you need is a credit card and $8 to download them from the english DL Site. Or maybe even a debit card. Does that work?
I guess I'm rambling, so let me wrap this up: Because of YouTube's policy that you can show a woman getting cut in half but you can't show her nipples, Pine's boobs will not be appearing in any of the videos. If you don't want to buy the games but want to see her breasts, check this post, which also includes a behind the scenes look at recording videos that you don't have to read. Never let it be said I don't give the fans what they want (bare boobs)!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rumble Roses XX Image Quality Upgrade!

I've been using my Gamebridge to capture downloaded pictures off the xbox, but it turns out there's a way to get much higher quality. The details are in this GameFAQs post, and holy hell, do the images look better using this method. All you need is a 2 gig USB drive and half an hour to download the .net framework (use 3.5 - version 2.0 barfed up a storm) and you, too, can export your own screenshots. Of course, since you just need half an hour and a 2 gig USB drive, it's now easy for you to do this yourself. Even so, I'm gonna keep posting these collections, for all you lazy people; Lazy people are my people. I'll stop tagging the image packs with "exclusive content", as if anyone's paying attention to the tags anyway. Once I get the latest 203 downloaded screenshots all zipped up and on Megabuttload and Crapidshare, they'll be on here. (And Photobucket, too, but I think it's too late to set up a password on the photobucket folder and taliban nazi Photobucfacists like deleting the racier photos). Until then, let me leave you with Reiko getting kicked right in her back (click to embiggen):

** Update **

What the hell, let's throw in a few pictures I took myself that I don't think should go in the pictures from Live collections, since they're not from Live at all (click to embiggen):

Friday, January 21, 2011

You excludin' your girl gender again, son?

In my eternal quest for games to turn into videos, I'm always monitoring my network of informants for new games coming out. Unforchies, they've really dried up over the years; I could go on all day listing the male-only series, but I have to admit that every time there's a new Fight Night or EA Sports MMA or Supremacy MMA or Lucha Libre game I always hope this will be the one to have some fucking women in it. But, of course, the death of many Bothans is always in vain as they're always sausage parties. You can probably already tell that the rest of this post isn't going to be good news, but WWE has annouced a new series of games. The short version of the news can be seen in the URL:

Here's the slightly longer version:

I checked out WWE All Stars last week, and noticed that there wasn't a single female fighter on the roster. So I asked Mike McTyre, one of the producers on the game, why we won't be seeing the lovely Divas of past and present.

"It was simply a matter of scope," Mike told me. "We really strive for quality of animation, you know, smoothness. Even though the moves are over-the-top, making them all believable, they all came from motion-capture to start with; nothing was hand-keyed. Then the animators had to smooth them out, amplify them and make them over-the-top. To do that would require a massive amount of additional tech and all-new motion capture on a female skeleton, as opposed to the male skeletons."

This is, in a word, bullshit. In the comments hidden between various HURP DURP I WOULD HAVE SEX WITH HER messages about the header image was a link to an article that sums up my feelings quite succiently - although it's talking about Brink, you could also apply it to Crackdown 1, Crackdown 2, and all the games listed above. I suggest you Read the Whole Thing (TM), but I'll quote the most important part here:

Now I can certainly understand the realities of operating under a budget and the drive to turn out the best product possible, but I have to admit that there's something very disturbing to me about having a choice between fifty different pieces of upper torso clothing or including an entire gender, and then deciding to go with the clothing. What does such a decision say about the attitude of Brink's developers, and the studio itself? What message will be taken away by female players who check out the game only to discover that they haven't been given any representation? Not including female avatar options might have seemed like nothing more than a practical choice to Splash Damage, but taking a look at the bigger societal picture and the changing face of today's gaming constituency, it's pretty clear to me that more that should've been taken into account.

Inclusion and respect, or outfits and haircuts? I'll take the former, thanks.