Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's Hideous ECW Wrestling Game Month!!!!!!!!

Yes, it's that time of the year again - put on your hideous holiday sweaters, make a nice fire, put on some Christmas music, and gather the whole family to watch low-polygon versions of Dawn Marie and Jazz punch each other in the groin.

December will have five Saturday videos, the first two being the relatively sane ECW Hardcore Revolution, and the last three being the dumpster-match craziness of ECW Anarchy Rulz (because poor literacy is kewl). These are some games I'd never played until just now, and although the graphics have aged about as well as any polygonal PlayStation 1 game, I am impressed at the sheer number of match types. We'll see how many of them I can show off in five videos (spoiler alert: five). Stay tuned.

** Update **

First video!

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