Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fuck Yeah

Finally some good news! UFC Undisputed 20xx doesn't have them, EA Sports MMA (stupidly) doesn't have them, but finally - finally!! - they annouced Supremacy MMA is going to have some representatives of the other half of the world's population: Chicks. Apparently, it will include just two fighters - and I'm not looking my gift horse in the mouth here - and they are (drumroll):
Felice "Lil Dog" Herrig and Michele "Diablita" Gutierrez!
(Not pictured above: Either one of these women. Real MMA fighters have cornrows or short hair, and probably not as much eye makeup.) No word yet on any kind of create a fighter, but that's just icing, as far as I'm concerned. W00p

** Update **

I almost forgot, Arcana Heart 3's also confirmed for North America. Good news, too, I'm gonna get it, but I'm probably not going to make any videos out of it (I didn't out of Arcana Heart 1, either) for the simple reason that I'm not very good at any 2D fighter past Street Fighter Turbo 3. You kids today.

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