Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Our hero is struck down

Here's some advice from me: Don't get the stomach flu. Had I been able to peer into the future to follow my own advice, I'd be much happier right now. But I didn't, and now it's too late. While I'm laid out drinking ginger ale and eating toast, there's going to be pretty much no activity (comments, personal messages, etc) and this includes, sadly, no videos. Isn't it sad?
I first got sick on Tuesday, so hopefully this won't last too long (don't get me started on how sick I am of toast already). Today (5/4) definitely won't have a video, and it's not looking so hot for Saturday the 7th either. After that I'll either be cured or go to the doctor. Yerg.

** Update **

Thank god that's over with! Now back to my healthy diet of fried chicken, red peppers, pasta, and BLs (BLT without the T). Hell yeah!


Dexie said...

Get well soon, man.

Unknown said...

You have my symphaties. That sucks! Hope you feel better soon.