Thursday, April 22, 2010

What to do about WAS 2

So as you may have heard, Tryfirst took down all the webpages about Wrestle Angel Survivor 2, including the crucial page that I use to actually look up the wrestlers so I can select them in the game. It's been long enough now that I don't think the page is coming back up, unfortunatly, and recording WAS 2 videos without it is going to be a major pain in the ass, if it's even possible. I haven't recorded any videos since the site went down, and my cache of in the can matches is winding down, so I'm thinking about what to do, and I'd like to hear from YOU, the viewer (upon whom, by the way, any possible blame is placed). Here's the options:

- Continue on as before: Use the translated Wiki page and keep recording matches and posting them every Wednesday.

- Continue at a slower pace: Use the translated Wiki page but record less matches, and slip WAS 2 matches into the rotation of videos uploaded on Saturdays along with SvR, Rumble Roses, etc.

- Go back to WAS 1: The original Wrestle Angel Survivor page is still open, so I can still record these.

- End recording WAS 2 matches: Annouce a end date to get your final requests in, record and post these, and call it a day for WAS 2.

- Just stop recording WAS 2 matches and post what's left in the can.

There's your options. Vote up:

So what's the deal?
Just go on as before
Keep recording videos, but put them in the saturday rotation
Go back to WAS 1
Annouce a end date, record all the last requests, and be done
Stop recording and just post whatever you have left free polls

If you want to explain your thinking, leave a comment; I want to hear from you guys on this one.

** Update **

The world's greatest hero has provided me with a document that translates everyone's names; after printing this, it's even easier to select the wrestlers than it was using the original TryFirst webpage. So bear that in mind with the poll. I'm going to leave it up anyway just to see if people are getting sick of WAS 2 any time soon. (I'm tending to think yes since there's no comments on the last WAS 2 video posted!)

** Update 2 **

"Go on as before" is the winner, wih 60% of the votes. So on we go. I'm actually running short on requests, and if I run out, I'm going to start trying out the less-used girls. Should be interesting.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Disaster (not averted)

Well, more bad news, hooray: The XP laptop I use to record video's got a horrible Vundo infection. I'm throwing everything I can at this fucking thing - Malwarebytes, Spybot, HijackThis, Combofix, Vundofix, manually going into the registry and deleting the keys, killing the processes... I can't get that shit OFF. Motherfucker just replicates itself endlessly, no matter how many times I kill the process and delete the keys. Needless to say, it's also hard to record videos with popup ads for mayo getting spammed nonstop. So we'll see what happens. I guess I can always reinstall XP. Thanks a lot, BILL GATE$. (Smug Mac users and Linux fans who tell me that I LOL SHOULD'VE USED UBUNTU will be banned)

I've still got a fair amount of videos in the can, so I don't think this should effect the schedule, just how pissy I am. Don't come asking why your video's taking too long this week, hoo boy.

** Update **

Think I finally got it. Whoever created ComboFix, you are my hero!

** Update 2 **

Spoke too soon - as soon as I start any browser, it's back. God fucking damn it. I'm just gonna reinstall Windows.