Friday, April 1, 2011

New backround poll

All right - here it is, your chance to vote on the new channel backround. I went through my folders and grabbed the images that I thought both looked best, and were least likely to get banned (had to skip a few WAS images where the girls were showing - gasp - the tops of their boobs, truly a disgusting horrifying sight). I was gonna set up a way to vote for "Other" and suggest one, but since this is gonna be pulled down in two months anyway, maybe I'll set that up for next time. There's too many to post in here, and ha ha, turns out I got banned from Photobucket (I'm now the second-most hated man in America!) so I set a new album up. Here's the link:

Password is "RyonaKing". I was gonna set up a HTML poll, but there's like 27 choices, so that's a little bit out of the question. Uh, vote in the comments, I guess. Hopefully with 27 choices one of them gets at least two votes :X

** Update **

If you can, include the number at the end of the image (ex. Makoto eating Aigle's rice is 01) - makes it easier to write down on my little results sheet here. Two votes recorded so far!

** Update 2 **

Vote totals so far:

(Hitomi Fujishima, according to MegamanZXOmega)
Mighty Yukiko: 2 votes
Rowdy Reiko: 1 vote
Megumi Muto: 1 vote

** Update 3 **

Poll closes tomorrow (April 13)!

** Update 4 **

Poll's closed. Boom!

** Update 5 **

Oh, maybe I need to size that down a little bit. You can hardly tell what it is.

** Update 6 **

Record for most updates to a single post!


Anonymous said...

Do the one with the pink haired girl sitting on the turnbuckle(tattered greenish leotard)

Dominique S. said...

I vote for the Mighty Yukiko picture

Dexie said...

My vote goes to