Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vacation time woop woop woop woop!!!!!

It's that time of the year again - time to pay ten month's worth of mortgage payments to jet down to Disney's Polynesian Resort for 2 weeks of fun, sun, fun in the sun, sun's fun in the sun that has fun with the sun whose sun we are having fun with.

Ahem. As you can tell, I'm excited. As noted, pretty much at least the first half of November is going to be a wash. I'll try to upload a 100% body 0% muscle match for Thanksgiving and make some lame jokes about how they all ate a lot of turkey and mashed potatoes ha ha etc. Otherwise upload activity is probably going to be pretty light, and responding to comments/messages is going to be not at all during the first half and at a slower pace during the second half (okay, who yelled "is that even possible"). Wish me a nice vacation, and if you see a slouching guy who needs to shave with his wife with big boobs in the Polynesian, yes, I will sign autographs.

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