Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What the what?

Here's what I logged in to see today:

The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled:

  • WAS 2 Beauty Ichigaya vs Chris Morgan - (RyonaKing)

YouTube is not the place for nudity, pornography or other sexually provocative content. YouTube makes limited exceptions for appropriate educational, documentary, artistic and scientific contexts, but only in limited circumstances where the purpose of posting is clear and any nudity it is not sexual in nature.

Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the permanent termination of your account.

For more information on YouTube's Community Guidelines and how they are enforced, please visit the help center.

For your reference, a copy of this message has also been emailed to the address associated with this account.

So, uh. I don't get it; I'm not really sure what community guideline this is apparently violating. Nudity? Is one-piece bathing suits nudity? Violence, because there's barely-animated wrestling moves? Is this a Chris Morgan hater who's mad that she lost? Well, if YouTube upholds this COMMUNITY STRIKE, I guess there's nothing to stop people from flagging all the other WAS and WAS2 videos, which should get my account terminated. Since they're, uh, against some guidelines? Needless to say I appealed this, but I don't really have much to go on since they don't actually tell you which one of the guidelines it violated, so I don't even know what horrid content it supposedly has; Hard to say more than "lol what does this violate" considering how vague the guidelines are and how little information I've been givn. Anyway, I don't have high hopes of the video getting reinstated, but we'll see. Stay tuned.

** Update **

Gonna post this on Viddler as part of the sadly growing Too Hot for Youtube collection:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Irene, you cunt!

Now a super quick service advisory: The Ryona Kingdom is located in beautiful upstate NY, so we're in the path of Irene, although by the time it gets here it should be down to Tropical Storm levels and not actual hurricane strength. We're not supposed to get hit until Sunday morning, so the last WCW Backstage Assault should be up on time, but if your good pal RyonaKing isn't seen or heard from after that, well, I'm probably cursing loudly by candlelight. (More likely, nothing's going to happen, which is what I'm hoping for, since I have exactly zero preparations in case something does go wrong.)

** Update **

Well, it just rained a little. Now I feel bad I called Irene a cunt.

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Hideous WCW PlayStation Wrestling Game Month!!!!!!

Oh, fuck. Here we go. Yes, it's WCW playstation wrestling game month! The card is:

August 6th: WCW Nitro
August 13th: WCW Thunder

Now I'm gonna be really honest here: Nitro and Thunder are garbage. I'm sure these were more impressive when they came out, and I'm willing to forgive the graphics since every polygonal game on the PlayStation that isn't Final Fantasy VIII is hideous, but the gameplay - my god, the gameplay. I've been spoiled silly by Smackdown's sensible and easy to use controls where you have a button to lock up; Nitro and Thunder have WWF Warzone-style moves where you press < O O or v X X or whatever to do a piledriver, and everybody has the same moves and god damn it is bad. And that's leaving out the insanity of having random wrestlers do run-ins (the first trial match I wrestled, Rey Mysterio ran in to beat up one of the Nitro girls).
Backstage Assault I perversely actually like the best, even though it's a mess of a game. I'm just gonna come out and admit it - I kind of love Backstage Assault just for the novelty value. In this era of PG-rated WWE games where DIVAS can't use weapons at all, it's just downright fucking weird being able to boot this game up and make Stacy Keibler kill Torrie Wilson by repeatedly hitting her over the head with a ceramic sink or iron bar.

So that's what you have to look forward to; I await with baited breath your angry comments and annoyed emoticons. This is truly going to be the greatest month in the history of our sport('s hideous decade old WCW wrestling games)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!