Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy holidays! (& bonus rumble roses images)

Merry Xmas. Namco got me to drop $1.50 or $2 on naughty santa outfits for Soul Calibur 4 just for this video, so make sure I'm getting my money's worth out of it!

So, yeah. I'd like to do a video for some other holidays, but they only have the santa pack for SC4, so I can't make something like Talim in a dreidel outfit beating up Ivy in a menorah costume (although we can all agree that would be fucking awesome). Since Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve both fall on a Wednesday, and I usually put a video up on wednesday, I feel like I should do something special for new year's eve, but what? I toyed with the idea of doing a Fire Pro Returns match that counts down to a bomb exploding, but I don't know; that doesn't really feel like New Year's, does it? Maybe I'm too literal. It's not like I can make a baby with a 2009 sash beating up a old woman with a 2008 sash or something. So I think I'll just put a normal video up and yell IT'S THE LAST MATCH OF 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the video discription.

Also I've been thinking about this WAS 1 problem where they removed the wrestlers. Since they removed four, I'm very tempted to just do a WAS Removed Charecter Last Tag Super Beatdown or something. That'll let me knock out all four requests in one match, and hopefully I won't have to fire 1 up again. Of course, it's true that this isn't what people originally requested, but if they were here right now, I'd tell them HEY look over there, and then when they turned around to look where I was pointing, I would run out of the room at maximum speed with wacky cartoon va-va-voom sound effects.

Finally, big news: I finally used my gamebridge to capture a bunch of pictures from Rumble Roses XX. Most of these are from Live, so if you've uploaded a picture yourself, it might be in here! Some of these are naughty and some of these are funny. I think these are pretty PG-rated (the dirtiest shots are the glitches where you can see thru the girls' clothes, but they're like barbies under there). Try this link:

Click on the pix for beautiful high-quality versions. Arf.

** Update **

Looks like Photobucket pulled some of these. I'll put the whole collection up on Rapidshare or Megaupload or something. w/e, as the kids say.

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