Friday, January 2, 2009

Things I Wish I'd Thought Of First Theatre, Exhibit A

That is all.


doodooodoo said...

do you take requests, like for WAS2 matchups? or would yoube willing to take a screen cap of a certain special move?

Ryona King said...

Yeah, I'll take just about any request. No promises on how long it might take :X

doodooodoo said...

supposedly there is a bearhug submission move in the game. i am not sure which wrestlers have it, but i guess it would be "power" type characters. would you be able to capture footage of it, or a screenshot of the move?

Ryona King said...



doodooodoo said...

ah sorry, i meant wrestle angels survivor 2 ^_^"

Ryona King said...

Oh, well! I do think I've seen the mythical bearhug once in all my many matches; I'll be keeping an eye out for it to get an image or two if I see it again.

panda123 said...

hey I want to watch the video "RRXX rowdy reiko H move" but it seems that, it's no longer available.