Monday, November 29, 2010

Pine's Bikini Top Stays in the Picture

Finally some good news! You might remember the trouble I was having making some postable (IE, no nipples, which is clearly the number one thing to worry about nowadays) videos out of the Knuckle Pine series of DL Site games. Turns out there was an obvious solution I was missing: Just re-record the matches until Pine actually keeps her top on. In the second game, it will come off if you hit Pine with a strong enough punch (kids, don't try this at home), so I just recorded matches until I had a run of terrible luck at picking numbers and went down to defeat with her youtube-acceptability destroying boobs safely covered. Viola! This might be the only case in history where the starlet's big break comes when the director convinces her to keep her clothes on.

That takes care of the first two games; The third one, Knuckle Pine Turbo, which I got two videos of (I need four total - one video of the first game, one of the second game, and two of the last game makes a month), doesn't have Pine's top fly off, so that was easy. It took a lot of work, but they're all in the can. As an aside, I really do mean to review more DL Site games, but I'll just tell you now that Knuckle Pine Turbo really makes the second game look bad with some commonsensical fixes (I don't include Pine's top no longer randomly coming off a fix, although it did help me record these videos). So that's probably coming up after the RRXX Tournament wraps, which should be - February? Dang, kid. Well, stay tuned until then and enjoy the tournament. I'll know if you don't.

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