Thursday, March 19, 2009

A note on squashes

So, it looks like there's some discontent in the latest WAS 2 video's comment section. You can see the match yourself here:

Yeah, it's a squash match. I'm not gonna say that I ain't never done a squash match, buddy. You're going to see these once in a while for two reasons:

1.) Someone has requested a squash.

In which case, you can take it up with whoever asked for the match.

2.) It's impossible to record anything else.

Difficult as it may be to belive, sometimes it's impossible to get a competitive match out of two girls who are matched up. You can choose the girls' power levels - if it's a squash when they have even power levels, I'll lower the power of whoever's dominating and try again. If that results in a squash again, there's really nothing I can do except keep re-recording the match and hoping for a miracle. If I do six or seven rematches and they're all squashes, then I don't have any choice; I can either post a squash or cancel someone's request. Since I'm defending posting squash matches, I guess you can see which path I'm taking.

So the tl;dr version is, yes, I am going to be posting squash matches, and complaining about it isn't going to change my mind. If you're really upset, just take a few deep breaths and remember - even Triple H got squashed during his career.

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