Monday, March 3, 2008

The question I get asked the second most - besides "Are you going to post the rest of that Rumble Roses DVD?", which we already took care of with the first post - is how I record the videos. It's all thanks to one of these magical devices. It works very simply: You plug the red, yellow, and white plugs - or in my case the red and white and the S-video cable - into one end of the gamebridge. The other end is a USB cord you plug into your computer. (And yes, I know those plugs have a name, but I can never remember if it's composite or component, and I don't want to put the wrong one down, and also I'm too lazy to look it up. Thanks.)

The gamebridge works well, and I got it in a clearance off fry's for like $3.95, so I can't complain. The only issue I have with it is that it lags a little bit when you record or stop. It's not a big deal, but it can make the video a second too short or too long, which I hate.

Why do I hate that? Because I really don't want to crank open Windows Movie Maker to clip out that one second. Videos uploaded to YouTube already look bad, but after being passed through WMM, they look even worse. Hey, sometimes I've gone through a lot of work for this footage - I want it to look as good as possible! As you might remember from this video

I tried Jahshaka, with some unfortuate results. After that a very kind person sent me some other video editing software, which is just what I needed, so I downloaded it, installed it, and still havn't taken the time to learn how to use it properly. My laziness is going to become an ongoing theme with this blog.


matt bowman said...

how do you make your game bridge work? i dont have the right software and windows cant find it! do u no any links were i can find the right software or do i need a disk?

matt bowman said...
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