Thursday, May 27, 2010


Well, I hate to keep posting bad news all the time, but here's some more: My department at work, which is normally four full time people plus four part-time people, is right now down to one full time person. Guess who that is. (big Al Gore sigh)

So the long and the short is, video production is going to continue on pace (spyware infections nonwithstanding) - but you might notice a dropoff in anciliary activity like responding to comments, etc. All's I can say is, if someone out there wants to offer me $$$CASH MONEY$$$ for recording obscure/unpopular wrestling games, well, I'm all ears.

On the flipside, I've been messing around with the Rumble Roses body/muscle sliders - expect more info and hopefully a video (or two!) about this soon. And yes, I know, I'm WAY behind on the Smackdown vs Raw videos. Some advice for aspiring Smackdown vs Raw video directors: Don't make your wife your head-co-writer, then let her get addicted to Star Trek Online. She's promised we'll film another episode this weekend (malware attacks permitting), so we see. Horf!

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