Friday, January 27, 2012

Unexpected Service Interruption

Well, as you may have seen last Saturday, I'm still fighting with this new Roxio game capture device; I dunno, I guess the video it outputs still looks pretty good, but since I'm a perfectionist and I don't know when to quit, I'm going to fight with it a little more. In any case, there may or may not be a video tomorrow. (Also, none of this is related to my wife making me play knights of the old republic enjoying Knights of the Old Republic with me.) At worst, we'll be back to normal in February, which is probably going to be another theme month; I don't want to give too much away, but, umm, I can't think of way to finish that sentence without giving it away. In any case, check back here tomorrow - what, like you have something better to do? - and on February 4th at the latest we'll be back in business.


MegamanZXOmega said...

Knights of the Old Republic is an MMORPG right? and if it is does it cost money to play online?

Ryona King said...

Yes, and yes. It's pretty good, I admit...

MegamanZXOmega said...

god damn it.... I want to play it but I can't until I get a job so I can pay it from my own pocket