Saturday, May 16, 2009

Upcoming tournament news, time off, views, comments, blahbity blorb

So, you may have noticed in the last match that I mentioned a certain Queen of the Ring 2009 tournament; I'm not quite ready to offically annouce it and who's in it yet, since the brackets spoil the match I just posted, but I'll be unveiling it soon in all of its terrible glory. Oh yes yes.

In the meantime, I'm still putting some finishing touches on the tournament, which means there will be no videos for one week (the week of May 18); Normal service will resume on the 27th, along with the offical Queen of the Ring 2009 annoucement, brackets, and details.

That should also give some time for the latest videos to build up more views - I don't know what YouTube did a few weeks ago, but the views for the videos are way down; I don't think that it's just mine, because it's struck all of my videos at once, and there are just as many comments (maybe even more). I think it might have to do with how YouTube counts views, but in any case, it's going to take some getting used to; I'm not sure I can use my old 1000 views = healthy interest metric anymore.

That also leads me to comments, specifically, YouTube's been acting flakey when I try to respond to some of them; I've tried to respond to Dexiekun's comment on this video like three times, and it's never there when I go back to the site. (Maria's the one with blue hair, BTW). So if you don't see me responding to your comments, don't worry - I still read every single comment left. Hoo hah.

So that's it for now; stay tuned. Big stuff coming :o

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