Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rumble Roses Good Vs Bad Tournament Round 3

Last round, the good girls were facing a formidable task, with only two of them left facing off against six bad girls. Lo and behold, they won both of their matches, and now in the semifinals it's all evened up - one good and one bad girl will wrestle in each match for the honor of moving on to the finals. The matchups:

1/8: Sgt. Clements vs Makoto
1/15: Noble Rose vs Sista A
1/22: Final!

The two winning girls will meet up in the finals; The winner will, of course, receive a special prize if I can work up the courage to pay someone on deviantart to draw her covering her nether regions with the championship belt. Boom!

I'm going to try and post a palette cleanser in between the round that's just concluded and the semifinals (Jan 1st); However, I'm running low on completed videos, so, uh, we'll see. Either way, stay tuned!

** Update **

I just realized January has FIVE Saturdays in 2011; No idea what's going to run on the last week (February will be starting Knuckle Pine month). Fuck!

** Update 2 **

It'll be Noble Rose vs Sgt. Clements for the whole bag of chips on 1/22. People have expressed an interest in having a match between Candy and Sista A to see who comes in as first runner-up, so I'm going to record that as well. The girl who comes in #2 in the tournament by winning that match will receive, like the overall champion, absolutely nothing.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Xmas

I went to read last year's holidays message and noticed something weird: I'm sick at Christmas two times in a row. It's not a stress thing, because I'm so anal I have all the presents ordered, if not wrapped and tagged, by December second. What are the odds? Anyway, next year I'll try to heed my sage advice of last year by not getting sick. What a jerk.

Anyways, I'm getting off topic here. Ahem:


Now I wish I could give each and every one of you a present, but alas. The movie going up Christmas Day features Candy Cane, and unfotuneatly, there's one person who really wants to see her win, and one person who really wants to see her lose, and well, one person's going to get a richly deserved present, and one person is going to get undeserved coal in the ol' stocking. So, to whoever's disappointed, I'll see if I can make it up to you in the new year. For everyone else, happy holidays, and go bearhug your family.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A quick plug

Just a quick note: If you're bored this holiday season, why not check out my OTHER youtube channel? The first series, "Operation: Balls Punch" is a little bit one-note, but I'm extremely proud of the second series, Operation Robots, paticuarly the third in the series, which I think is going to go down as my most enduring, beautiful work. Beautiful and touching.

If you're curious, I'm the guy with the green T-shirt in Operation Balls Punch, and the robot on the left in Operation Robots. The Sarah Palin-looking lady in Operation Balls Punch and pink robot in Operation Robots if, of course, Kitten Hammer. Two episodes also have a special guest star (although I don't think the second episode with him in it's been uploaded yet). I wrote all the episodes (except "Wife is Right"), and she directed all of them, so it shouldn't be long before we get those Oscars now!

Friday, December 10, 2010

I tried (a little)

Since the Knuckle Pine series (FINALLY) turned out so well, I thought I'd go for a P4-esque ONE MORE! and try to get some Panda Moderns videos, one each of On the Ropes and Pit Viper. (Thus the image for this post. Get it? [Spoilers: It's a panda]) Unforchies, these aren't Flash games like the Pine series; They're stand-alone exes, and both of them are too processor-intensive for my piece of shit old PC I've been using to record windows game footage with. (My new computer is a beast that can handle it easily, but I can't make Hypercam record any sound). The resulting videos are de-synched; The On the Ropes one is just plain desynched, but Pit Viper's video is totally destroyed, in a way that I actually find kind of funny. So, sorry, Panda Moderns, no free advertising. Well, unless people are reading this blog post and go click on the links up there. Heh. Anyway, I might be able to use Fraps since these are standalone EXEs (which is the whole reason I was using Hypercam in the first place - Fraps doesn't recognize the Pine exes as games). We'll see; I already used up half a day futzing with these (my cat helped by running in and hitting the one exact button on the keyboard that stops recording in the middle of the first Pit Viper video). Anyway, here's the messed up videos for your enjoyment. On the Ropes isn't too spectacular (in fact I'm not sure why I uploaded it), but take a peek at Pit Viper. Yeeee.

On the Ropes

Pit Viper

** Update **

Fraps doesn't recognize either game to record, so, so much for that idea. Maybe if I put it on my old laptop. Hmm.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pine's Bikini Top Stays in the Picture

Finally some good news! You might remember the trouble I was having making some postable (IE, no nipples, which is clearly the number one thing to worry about nowadays) videos out of the Knuckle Pine series of DL Site games. Turns out there was an obvious solution I was missing: Just re-record the matches until Pine actually keeps her top on. In the second game, it will come off if you hit Pine with a strong enough punch (kids, don't try this at home), so I just recorded matches until I had a run of terrible luck at picking numbers and went down to defeat with her youtube-acceptability destroying boobs safely covered. Viola! This might be the only case in history where the starlet's big break comes when the director convinces her to keep her clothes on.

That takes care of the first two games; The third one, Knuckle Pine Turbo, which I got two videos of (I need four total - one video of the first game, one of the second game, and two of the last game makes a month), doesn't have Pine's top fly off, so that was easy. It took a lot of work, but they're all in the can. As an aside, I really do mean to review more DL Site games, but I'll just tell you now that Knuckle Pine Turbo really makes the second game look bad with some commonsensical fixes (I don't include Pine's top no longer randomly coming off a fix, although it did help me record these videos). So that's probably coming up after the RRXX Tournament wraps, which should be - February? Dang, kid. Well, stay tuned until then and enjoy the tournament. I'll know if you don't.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rumble Roses Good Vs Bad Tournament Round 2

Well, Round 1 is in the can, and I have to assure that even though I like bad girls, I'm as surprised at the results as all of you are. The good girls have been decimated. Out of eight possible slots, only two good girls survived; Makoto and Noble Rose are the only two faces in the entire tournament, facing down no less than six heels. The only good news for the forces of light is that there are so many heels two matchups in this round are heel vs heel, which means at least two are going to be eliminated for the next round. Of course, if two other matches go the wrong way, there will be only naughtiness left.

Next week is probably going to be a break from Rumble Roses videos (since we just had 8 in a row for Round 1). That also means the last match of Round 2 will be uploaded on Christmas, however, which seems a little weird, doesn't it? Well, I dunno, it's not like I have any other videos to post. Huh. Well, we'll see - hit thatdrumroll, please. The matches, pulled out of a hat, are:

12/4: Sgt. Clements vs Mistress
12/11:Makoto vs Rowdy Reiko
12/18: Sista A vs Great Khan
12/25 (Why, it's CHRISTMAS day, sir!): Noble Rose vs Candy Cane

And that's all. Stay tuned; I have no idea what's going up next week before the first match of Round 2, so I better get cracking.

** Update **

Okay, I figured out what's going in between rounds; If you're a fan of hideous polygons, don't miss next Saturday.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Knuckle Pine Censored Boxing (Update: Mother FUCKER)

For a while I've been considering recording some more Windows games; Total Knockout Boxing was a big hit, even though the video quality wasn't the greatest. I've settled on doing Knuckle Pine boxing month, with a match each from Knuckle Pine and Knuckle Pine Dash, and one each from Turbo (which you can apparently play single-round style like the original Knuckle Pine, or three-round style like Dash). This involved a long saga I won't recount here about getting Hypercam 2 to actually record sound, and then getting to record sound that is, you know, synched. With those issues finally vanquished, I was able to records some videos. Knuckle Pine 1 went off without a hitch and I'll lead off the series with that. In Knuckle Pine 2, though, Pine lost her top two minutes into a six minute video, and then she loses her bottoms for good measure. Since YouTube doesn't allow DISGUSTING NIPPLES - clearly, the human body is gross and should be hidden from view - this presents something of a problem. I tried using Windows Movie Maker to censor Pine's protrusions, but that didn't work at all. I got a free program called VideoPad, which works, kinda, but it's very imprecise; you can't make a censor bar and put it wherever you want, you have to add text and add spaces, and it'll add a bar of empty space, like " ". But you can't drag around where this bar is, you have to futz with it by changing the font size, hitting spacebar to make the bar longer, and hitting Enter to double its size. So you get something like this:

Now that's bad but not terrible. What's taking so long is that you have to split the clip every time you want the bar size to change, which it does a lot, since hitting your most powerful attack on Pine send her and her bare boobs flying, and on top of that she starts dancing around the ring later. So the video is, I'm afraid, going to be kind of, uh, bizzare looking. But consarn it, I spent hours getting Hypercam to work with synched motherfucking audio, so I'm going to use it. However, since I can just post the raw uncensored movies on like Rapidshare or Megaupload, I'll put up a download link to the original, un-censored versions on here. Oof!

Anyways, I guess this is all a little premature since this won't be going up until the Rumble Roses XX Singles tournament is finished, and that's got a while to run (Round 1 wraps up on 11/20, and then there's still seven videos to go - a week short of two months). The upside is that gives me a lot of time to procrastinate; I've been trying to censor this six minute video all day and I'm maybe a third done. I need an intern.

** Update **

Never mind; VideoPad ate my quality:

What the fuck. Back to the drawing board, I guess. Arrrrggghhh

** Update 2 **

Well, let's see if I can make a purse of this pig's ear. See if you can enjoy this. May I present a destroyed by VideoPad six minute Knuckle Pine Dash match in which I somehow manage to exactly tie Pine at the end of three rounds, which I think is awarded to her, which is proof that white guys on the internet are the real oppressed minority. Also, inconsistent censoring. (Basically, the file name is totally accurate):


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh crumb (forgot to upload a video edition)

Well, you might be wondering where Wednesday's WAS 2 video is (although since the views for those are down to like 220 per video, maybe not that many of you are). I could make up an awesome, good-looking lie like I was out saving orphans by defeating gangs of roving nazi bikers in brutal hand-to-hand combat, but the truth is, I came home from work, put in New Vegas, and played that until I basically passed out. So yes, I just plumb forgot. Actually, I'm kind of surprised it hasn't happened sooner! Anyway, it's a little late to upload the video now, I think, so to make up for it, I'm gonna upload TWO videos next Wednesday (10/27); I'll upload one in the morning before I leave for work, about 8 AM EST, so after processing it should be ready during the day; if you're bored for 4:37 on your lunch break, you can check it out. Um, plus buffering time. Now back to your reguarlly scheduled programming.

** Update **

Video one:

** Update 2 **

YouTube's decided to leave the second video as (Processing) for five hours, so I'm re-uploading it. God damn it!

** Update 3 **


Monday, October 11, 2010


People have been asking what the next match is going to be in the RRXX Heel vs Face tournament, and I've, honestly, been dodging the question, or admitting I don't know. Now hear me out: The way the tournament is set up is Noble Rose vs Ana, then each heel versus her face persona in order of how they appear on the character select screen. Easy, right? Here's the sticking point: I forgot what order they appear on the select screen. Yes, me, the guy who's played this game for 500 hours, can't remember what order the girls are on the select screen, so I can't remember what orders the girls appear in. So, uh, I guess I'll take a screenshot of the select screen, then I can give a schedule for the first round matches. I might even use MS Paint to draw up a cheap-ass roster graphic, that might be fun. That should be up in a day or two, so stay tuned for an ** Update ** with that information here (or, of course, if you already have the game, you can just fire up the select screen and spoil yourself, you stinker, you).

** Update **

Here we go:

11/20: Candy Cane vs Becky

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friends list's closed

Well, here's a post I hate to make. My xbox live gamertag isn't much of a secret, and up until now I've been generally accepting friend requests from YouTube or other places. Unforchies, I'm gonna have to start turning these down unless I already know you, mostly thanks to the following goofy messages I got from someone who I think is mistaking me for someone else. Before I'd played any matches with this person, I got this:

I wrote back "???????????????" and got this back:

(Or maybe it's the other way around on the messages, I don't remember.) I'll admit that I turn notifications off so I don't have SO AND SO HAS SIGNED IN popping up while I'm recording videos, so I'm sure I did miss a match invite from this person, which, you'll agree, definitely calls for a unhinged message like this. (Also, you know who else missed match requests? ADOLF HITLER)

There's one more message that I wish I'd saved, but I think I accidentally deleted it when blocking this nut. It signed off with a great "FUCK YOU" and accused me of "only saying negative things" (maybe he hates question marks). The long and short is, I simply don't have time to deal with drama from butthurt weirdos like this. I'm sure 99% of you out there are great people, but all it takes is one guy pissing in the soup to convince me to close the friend requests, and here we are. Sry, but it's closed until further notice. I've also gone through the list and removed anyone I don't remember playing with recently; you know who to thank for that.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Double X Tournament!

So you might remember the Rumble Roses XX Singles Tournament, which got interrupted by Mr Seagate pulling a blarg im ded. The good news is my wife's addicted to Civ V, which means I can use the xbox to record the tournament, so it's pretty much all in the can at this point. Barring any disasters, the first match should go live Saturday, October 2nd. The first round is 8 matches, so it will span every Saturday of October and November. The first match, going up the 2nd (of October; man that's a confusing sentence), will pit Noble Rose against Anasteshia; The other seven opening round matches will be all the other girls except Yasha/Benikage, face persona versus heel persona. After that names will be picked out of a hat (possibly literally) to determine the second round matchups. I'm going to market this as a Face vs Heel tournament, although since I'm leaving it up to the CPU, who knows how many faces and heels are going to be left by the second round?
The winner of the tournament will receive nothing (lololol), because there's really nothing to give, unfortunately; I could put the title on her, but you wouldn't be able to tell anyway. Maybe I'll scrape up $15 to commission the winner wearing a title belt and nothing else from someone on DeviantArt or something.*
So that's that - stay tuned. Wednesday WAS programming will continue as usual. I know the area on my YT page listing the current status of WAS requests is way out of date, but I don't have time to update it right now. I need an intern around here or something.
Last note: Do I need a tournament tag for posts? Maybe I do. Fuck it, let's have a tournament tag.

* No, I won't, but if someone else wants to, I'll tell you who won ahead of time. Spoiler alert. Should I have put a anchor link from the asterisk down to here? Man, I really do need an intern. Shit!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wrestle Angel picture annoucement (and I'm back)

Yeah, I'm back. It was fun. I got TWO bomb-ass Pope snowglobes for various people. That bad news is I have an ear infection, or something; I went to the Drs and they couldn't even see what was wrong because of a blockage, so they shot hydrogen peroxide into my ear, and some of it got past the blockage into my ear canal and it hurt like a motherfucker. I won't say more because I'm sure nobody wants to hear me being earhurt, but suffice to say, my left ear kind of feels like I got punched in the side of the head by a lady centaur. So don't take it personally if I'm a little grumpy.

ANYWAY, here's the WAS picture news: Of course as soon as I posted the picture pack, I found a bunch more pictures, so I'm going to prepare a supplemental pack. I don't think it's going to be big enough to be a "Vol 2", so we'll just call it supplemental. (Yes, this is the kind of stuff I worry about.) So if you got any pix that weren't in the original pack, send them over and you'll get credit and a hug or whatever. Boom.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rumble Roses pix from Live, Chapter VII

BIG packs this time, kids, since it's been half a year since the last one. 328 images, and no Sebastians (although I almost cracked and put a funny one in where Mistress Spencer is kicking him in the groin). Also, two bear pictures. If you're one of the kind souls still taking and uploading these pictures to Live, keep at it. And if you're uploading Sebastian pictures, I'm going to find you. You'll be coming home one day, turning the key in your front door, your mind far away from taking and uploading Sebastian pictures nobody want to see, and boom, before you know it, you will come to know the regret of of taking Sebastian pictures. That is all.

Download links!





Monday, August 30, 2010

Vacation time!

Time for my vacation, suckers. No videos will be posted while I'm in Europe, so there will be no new videos from when I leave on September 11 (yes, I'm flying out on September 11, and no, I didn't notice why the tickets were so cheap until after I had the tickets) and return on September 18. Although I might be jetlagged out and just go to bed on the 18th; we'll see. If you're bored, go back and watch some of the recent videos over again; I worked hard on those, ya know, and the view counts are going down. Hmph!!

In any event, there's probably another edition of Rumble Rose pix from Live coming; I might even post it before I leave. The things I do for my fans!

Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, guess whose hard drive went and fucking died with no warning? Yeah. The last time this happened, the drive started slowly dying, and I was able to copy everything off it. THIS time, it just went "lol im ded" and everything on it is gone.

You may also want to notice the time stamp on that last post: January 2010. It's now August 2010. You can figure out how long my piece of shit new external HD lasted. Fucking Seagate piece of shit. Thanks for the seven whole months you went without breaking. Don't buy Seagate, unless you want to end up like me, or the guy in that picture, or both of us. God damn it.

Anyway, so, new video recording's on hold while I re-download seven month's worth of dirty videos pirated games home movies and software that fell off the back of a truck. So that tournament mentioned one post down is probably going to be a while. Until then, there's still a lot of matches in the can for you to enjoy.

Almost forgot: For some reason, spammers were apparently very excited by that tournament announcement, so I'mma turn comment moderation on for a little while. Boof.

** Update **

Google apparently finally noticed that word verification wasn't stopping spam comments, so maybe I'll turn it back off. Either way, if you see your comment waiting for approval, don't flip.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tournament time!

There's been some interest (spoilers: two people) in a Rumble Roses tournament, which got me thinking. Originally someone was asking about a tag tournament; I'd really like to do one of these, but RRXX tag matches take for fucking ever, because of the endless RESCUE elbowdrops the computer spams, so I'm thinking maybe a single tournament. I'd like a Heel vs Face tournament, at least initially. I'd also like to get the number of entrants on each side down to 8 (devides much easier that way). I'm gonna eliminate Yasha/Benikage right off the bat, because she sucks, and she's tough as a wet noodle. I'm also gonna eliminate Evil Rose, because I don't like her and she has a 0% chance of winning the tournament; I'm also going to eliminate Dr Cutter, not because I don't like her, but because there's no difference aside outfits from Ana and Dr Cutter, and I have to get rid of another person to get down to 8 on 8.

So then, I have to think about how the initial round is gonna run; I could start it with each wrestler up against her alter ego (with the odd women out of Noble Rose and Ana taking each other on); After the first round, I have no idea who'd have won, so it'd be up to the CPU from there on in. I think that's the way it's going to go; that way past the first round you'll have only the face or heel version of a particular wrestler in the running.
Winner gets... well, I guess nothing, really. Reiko's the champ right now, but I don't know that there's a Non-Title Match option. Maybe beach matches? Ahh, we'll see. Anyway, stay tuned.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

DLC & Slider Showcase

As we've been examining the sliders, you've hopefully gotten a good look at how exactly you can change the girl's apperance and stats. You can throw that all out for the DLC, because of a single, goofy property. It's logical to assume that when you put a DLC outfit on your rose, just the outfit gets applied to her body. Instead, the head and skin tone of the wrestler you have selected is applied to the body of the wrestler whose outfit you're putting on.

In other words, if you put Aisha's outfit on Reiko, you don't get Reiko and her humble B cups wearing Aisha's outfit - you get Reiko's head on Aisha's double D torso with her boobs spilling out the top and bottom. Yes, we're going to take a closer look - here's Rowdy Reiko wearing Aisha's outfit:


Crazy, right? If you use this carefully, you can really change the girls' body type far beyond what you can normally do with the sliders - put Benikage's head on Dixie's DLC outfit and vice versa, and suddenly you can have a ripped ninja versus a scrawny cowgirl. Of course, you're limited to the actual DLC outfits - I have to admit I'm more interested in playing around with outfits than body types, but there's a whole world of possibilities out there.

This week's video will be taking a closer look at the practical effects of messing with body types via the DLC - Rowdy Reiko, as you can see above, has committed the ultimate act of heelery in getting ridiculous implants, and Aisha has gotten totally needless breast reduction surgery.

And I think that's it for the grand month-long explanation of XX's sliders and body types if you got any questions or anything to say, post 'em here or on the videos themselves.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rumble Roses XX Slider Effect Explanageddon

Let's take a slightly closer look at the slider's effects on pre-made wrestlers. The video accompanying this post has 0 muscle/100 body Miss Spencer, opposite Candy, and everyone's favorite Lambda. I'm obviously more inclined towards the beefier wrestlers in this picture, but let's see how minimum body and max muscles looks on a heavier wrestler like Miss Spencer. (Spoilers: uggh.)
Well, that's just gross, isn't it? I dunno, if you can look at that and not be slightly repulsed, I just don't know what to say. Luckily, she doesn't look quite as, umm, nasty a little more up close:

Yeah, I dunno, this doesn't make me wanna barf, but it's just not my thing. Not too snuggly, right? Let's take a look at max body Candy.


That's better. Much snugglier.

Now you might be wondering: Besides apperance, what does futzing with the body/muscle sliders actually do? Right from the horse's mouth (okay, right from MrWhiteFolks on the GameFAQs board):

The difference in changes to muscle structure results in some slight (but noticeable) performance modifiers.

More Muscle::
The more muscle based structure you have, the more damaging your strikes, slams, and pinning attempt attacks will be. This is advantageous for characters that specialize in that type of combat (Dixie, Aisha, Aigle, etc), but it doesn't really help the submission or high flyer types much. This damage bonus also adds to the overall multiplier that is behind the scenes, giving you bonus damage whenever you attack the same body part repeatedly.

Example: If you do an attack that hurts the body of your opponent, after awhile that attack will start doing more damage. With more muscle, the damage output is increased on top of what you would normally receive for a damage bonus. Same goes for grapples, weapon strikes, Killers, Lethals, etc

Zero Muscle:
The less muscle your character has, the more flexible they become. What it does mean is that the flexibility of the limbs increasing allows you to stay in (and escape from) submissions far easier. It's a very subtle effect the developers put into the game (and in turn, they never really discussed it either), but if you have a character that already does decent damage (SS Aisha, for example) then by lowering her muscle mass you will make her better at surviving and/or escaping submission attempts.

This is a weird one, as most characters only receive a modification to their movesets if you have their weight at either maximum, or the most absolute minimum. Not really sure WHY this is the way it is, but the change in moves not only effects the standard attacks you can perform, it changes the Killer/Lethals' you have available as well.

Finally, remember when I said you can use the sliders to make pre-made wrestlers look terrible? Behold:



Next time: We'll examine how DLC effects body types.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rumble Roses XX Premade Wrestler Slider Explainopocalypse

If you remember our last post, we're going to take a look now at how the sliders effect the pre-made wrestlers. The answer is, not quite as much. Part of this, I think, is that you can't edit the girl's heights no matter what. Another is that the girls just seem to have set body types - you can crank Benikage's muscles and body to 100% (note: do not do this), but she's never going to be as big as, say, Dixie with the same sliders.

Not, of course, that the sliders don't have an effect. Let's take a look at minimum muscle, minimum body Makoto, shall we?


Actually, not that bad; Makoto tends towards the skinnier, flatter side, so she could look a lot worse with the sliders minimized. Okay, compare and contrast: Let's see BBD with 100% on both.


Ugh. Remember last post where I said,
RRXX's muscles never get like gross huge
? Yeah, that's before I made this. I like her better with meat on her bones, but Makoto with rippling bodybuilder muscles just looks kind of weird, doesn't it? Look how big her thighs are compared to her head. Of course, minimum slider Makoto up there has skinny chicken legs, so pick your poison.

Just to illustrate fully, this week's Saturday video is going to be 0% all Makoto vs 100% all BBD. Your lucky day, pedos and huge muscle fans. (Your double lucky day if those fetishes intersect. [Also, gross])

Next time: We'll look at how the sliders affect more of the wrestlers, as well as how goofy looking you can make Becky look by abusing the sliders. Doesn't that sound fun??????????

** Update **

And the video:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rumble Roses XX Slider Showcase

(How the fuck did this violate Photobucket's terms of service?)

Coming this Saturday is a special video: The Rumble Roses XX Lambda Slider Showcase. One of the less-known features about Rumble Roses XX is that you can customize both created wrestlers (the Lambdas) and the pre-made girls themselves with body and muscle sliders. "Body" sliders are the body bulk; You can adjust the bust, 'body' (I think torso), hips (read: dat azz), arms, and legs from 0% to 100%. Musclewise, you can do arms, 'body' (read abs) and legs from 0% to 100%. Aside from the obvious cosmetic difference, adjusting the muscles to the minimum or maximum changes the wrestler's moves, as well as effecting how much damage each move does - the less muscle, the more submission damage you do, and the less damage you do with power moves. I think; someone leap in if I'm messing all this up.

Anyway, I like playing around with the sliders, so we're going to take a closer look at what exactly you can do with them. This week we're going to be looking at the Lambdas, who the sliders have a more noticeable effect on. To wit, I've cooked up four lambdas to represent the four different extremes you can have (zero on body and muscle, max on body and muscle, and one each of max body/minimum muscle and vice versa). Here's the cast:


Left to right: 0% all (Karen), 100% Muscle 0% Body (Blackrose), 100% Muscle 100% Body (Lucy), 100% all (Andrea).
Now let's take a closer look at each combination....

0% Muscle, 0% Body: I'm not really a big fan of this. Her arms, legs, and hips being small are all OK, but combined with the minimum-sized boob slider... look, they don't all have to be Aisha-sized Double D's spilling out the top and bottom, but it just makes it a little creepy. That's all I'm saying.
You can leave the rest minimized and turn the boob slider up, of course...

100% Muscle, 0% Body: For my money, this is the least appealing option. Just look at the versus screen picture: Aren't those arms gross? I don't get it. She looks more malnourished than muscular.
On a weird note: Look at the image on the side there - don't her boobs look bigger than Karen's, even though they're both at 0%? Must be the Body "Muscle" slider inching them up. Sure, why not. Maybe if she had 100% Muscle on her Body and the Arm and Leg Muscle sliders weren't maxed out it wouldn't be so bad. Hmmm.

100% Muscle, 100% Body: If you want muscles, this is much more like it. I'm personally not a huge muscle fan (Gina Carano is about as muscular as I like to see short of She-Hulk), but RRXX' muscles never get like gross huge. Honestly, I find this way, way more appealing than the 0% body option with the max muscles. Just check out her arms:

Looks much better with a little more meat on there, no?

0% Muscle, 100% Body: Man, check her out. Not pictured: Huge thighs. Okay, I'm going to come clean right now: This is my favorite choice. So shoot me. Is it because it has maximum boob size? Maybe. Maybe this is your mom's favorite choice. Sick burn. Sick burn.
Seriously: Is this my favorite size because I like curvy women, or is this my favorite size because I like women who don't look like they can get snapped in half by a stiff breeze, or is this my favorite size because I got brainwashed by a certain poster on the old RRXX GameFaqs messageboard who kept talking about snuggle muffins and making ^_^ faces? I don't know why, but here you go.

And that's it, really - enjoy the video, and Next Time, we'll examine the effect the sliders have on the pre-made wrestlers.

** Update **

And the video:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

sum1 has a birthday!!!!!!!!

Whose birthday is it? (No, not Chie's, hers is July 30th. Duh.) I was going to say that my birthday gift to myself would be taking this week off, but honestly, the videos are already in the can, so how much work is it to just post 'em? Assuming the youtube uploader works the first time? And assuming they don't process for 8 hours? Honestly. And don't ask how old I am, a lady never tells.

Due to an Amazon snafu (2 day shipping my a$$), almost all of my wife's presents are late. So here's my actual present to myself on the left there. In addition to that, I hope all y'all got me some nice presents. Have at it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

E Thrizzle

You might remember me complaining earlier about how all the wrestling/boxing/MMA games coming out are all sausage-fests. Since it looks like UFC Undisputed is never going to have ladies and EA Sports MMA (great name, BTW) isn't going to have any this time around - and that's what was said about TNA Impact, too, and look how that turned out - I was feeling down, but, finally, here's some good news: A third MMA game! There can't be three MMA games dumb enough to be all sausagefests, right? I swear, that's all I want. I'm really hoping here, too, because the only other game on the horizon with even an outside chance is the AAA Lucha game and I'm not holding my breath for that one. The fact that I'm willing to learn how to play a MMA game, which I know nothing about, should show you how desperate I'm getting. Heck, what was the last non-Smackdown game with women in it? Facebreaker? I don't think I need to say anything more than that.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

OKAY, YouTube...


I think it's been processing long enough. Fer chrissakes. Can we go back to when my channel wasn't hideous and uploading videos actually worked on the first try and they didn't process for eight hours and never show up for viewing?

** Update **

Well, it's been ten fucking hours, so I'm just gonna try re-uploading this. Christ on friday.

** Update 2 **


** Update 3**

Next time you see a new video with a discription like "Take three", you'll know what the deal is. Let's hope that isn't a too common occurance.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Well, I hate to keep posting bad news all the time, but here's some more: My department at work, which is normally four full time people plus four part-time people, is right now down to one full time person. Guess who that is. (big Al Gore sigh)

So the long and the short is, video production is going to continue on pace (spyware infections nonwithstanding) - but you might notice a dropoff in anciliary activity like responding to comments, etc. All's I can say is, if someone out there wants to offer me $$$CASH MONEY$$$ for recording obscure/unpopular wrestling games, well, I'm all ears.

On the flipside, I've been messing around with the Rumble Roses body/muscle sliders - expect more info and hopefully a video (or two!) about this soon. And yes, I know, I'm WAY behind on the Smackdown vs Raw videos. Some advice for aspiring Smackdown vs Raw video directors: Don't make your wife your head-co-writer, then let her get addicted to Star Trek Online. She's promised we'll film another episode this weekend (malware attacks permitting), so we see. Horf!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Rumble Roses pix from Live, Vol. 6

Formerly "even-yet-still-more-rrxx-pix-from-live" "Even yet still even more pix", renamed because I can't keep thinking of ways to squish "yet" and "more" forever. What do you people want from me?? Anyway, here's Volume 6, all 280 images of it. As usual, I never cease to be amazed at the creative things being done with the photograph tool, and as usual, all of you using Sebastian in pictures are gonna BURN IN HELL. Enjoy!



Sunday, May 16, 2010

No videos this week

Work's exploding (not literally), as it's down to, literally, just me by myself staffing my entire department at work. So nothing on Saturday (the 15th), and nothing on Wednesday (the 19th). I'll see if I have a nice bonus to post on here in the meantime to tide everyone over.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What to do about WAS 2

So as you may have heard, Tryfirst took down all the webpages about Wrestle Angel Survivor 2, including the crucial page that I use to actually look up the wrestlers so I can select them in the game. It's been long enough now that I don't think the page is coming back up, unfortunatly, and recording WAS 2 videos without it is going to be a major pain in the ass, if it's even possible. I haven't recorded any videos since the site went down, and my cache of in the can matches is winding down, so I'm thinking about what to do, and I'd like to hear from YOU, the viewer (upon whom, by the way, any possible blame is placed). Here's the options:

- Continue on as before: Use the translated Wiki page and keep recording matches and posting them every Wednesday.

- Continue at a slower pace: Use the translated Wiki page but record less matches, and slip WAS 2 matches into the rotation of videos uploaded on Saturdays along with SvR, Rumble Roses, etc.

- Go back to WAS 1: The original Wrestle Angel Survivor page is still open, so I can still record these.

- End recording WAS 2 matches: Annouce a end date to get your final requests in, record and post these, and call it a day for WAS 2.

- Just stop recording WAS 2 matches and post what's left in the can.

There's your options. Vote up:

So what's the deal?
Just go on as before
Keep recording videos, but put them in the saturday rotation
Go back to WAS 1
Annouce a end date, record all the last requests, and be done
Stop recording and just post whatever you have left
pollcode.com free polls

If you want to explain your thinking, leave a comment; I want to hear from you guys on this one.

** Update **

The world's greatest hero has provided me with a document that translates everyone's names; after printing this, it's even easier to select the wrestlers than it was using the original TryFirst webpage. So bear that in mind with the poll. I'm going to leave it up anyway just to see if people are getting sick of WAS 2 any time soon. (I'm tending to think yes since there's no comments on the last WAS 2 video posted!)

** Update 2 **

"Go on as before" is the winner, wih 60% of the votes. So on we go. I'm actually running short on requests, and if I run out, I'm going to start trying out the less-used girls. Should be interesting.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Disaster (not averted)

Well, more bad news, hooray: The XP laptop I use to record video's got a horrible Vundo infection. I'm throwing everything I can at this fucking thing - Malwarebytes, Spybot, HijackThis, Combofix, Vundofix, manually going into the registry and deleting the keys, killing the processes... I can't get that shit OFF. Motherfucker just replicates itself endlessly, no matter how many times I kill the process and delete the keys. Needless to say, it's also hard to record videos with popup ads for mayo getting spammed nonstop. So we'll see what happens. I guess I can always reinstall XP. Thanks a lot, BILL GATE$. (Smug Mac users and Linux fans who tell me that I LOL SHOULD'VE USED UBUNTU will be banned)

I've still got a fair amount of videos in the can, so I don't think this should effect the schedule, just how pissy I am. Don't come asking why your video's taking too long this week, hoo boy.

** Update **

Think I finally got it. Whoever created ComboFix, you are my hero!

** Update 2 **

Spoke too soon - as soon as I start any browser, it's back. God fucking damn it. I'm just gonna reinstall Windows.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Barf II

God and baby Jesus, just when I thought Youtube couldn't get any uglier or more counter-intuitive to use. I guess ruining everyone's channel wasn't enough, so now they're ruining how it looks when you play a video. I guess the only upside here is they got rid of star ratings on videos, so that's one less thing for people to have drama about on the internet. Is that worth how bugfuck this redesign is, though? Where the fuck did it move my playlists? Arrrgghh. Maybe this is an early april fool's joke. Sigh.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


So this is kinda related to the last post - apparently the Ultimate Warrior has found
one of my videos and hoo boy, he is not pleased. (as you know, queering don't make the world work!). Let's hear now his words of wisdom:

Can't argue with that :o

Friday, March 19, 2010

Top comments, March 2010 edition

And away we go. I really do appreciate the kind words everyone leaves, so please keep it up. Might be a little short this time around - less notable comments; what can I say?Anyway, that's enough, I think, to get past the screenshot, so, without
further ado, the top comments!

Raoh on WAS 2 Migiri Ozora vs Giantslayer Noel Shiraishi:

Looks like a game for virgins.

SoulVotik on SC4 Barmaid vs Princess (yeah, not my video, but I'm player two):

Does anyone know how to play this game? I mean, really. What was the point of this video other than to show your lack of skill.

horokeusensei on Wrestle Angel Survivor Singles Tournament (Pt 1):

lol you guys... its just a random card game with static scenes of girls fighting.. just download the set on some hentai site or play rumble roses... jeez

Aqinaces on Rumble Roses Live Action Reiko vs Makoto:

pervers!!!! ugly bitches...go to school!!!

83dubbie on Rumble Roses Live Action Stinkface:

That shit is gay!! So fake they are a bunch of asian lesbos.

TheKaneDestroyer on WAS Tomomi vs Kazumi Fujiwara

This game is perfetic! What kind of wrestling game do you call this? Like Playing cards! Why can't you actually control the player like in the other games!? Dude, no offence, but you should get a better wrestling game. Try Rumble roses for instance.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Upcoming schedule 3/2010


Well, let me start with the question nobody asked: Where's the rest of the SvR 10 episode? It's almost done, sry. Next time I think I'm going to record the entire story arc at once; Going a whole month (even if it is short-ass February) without Episode 2 following the first episode is, um, not good. I'm gonna record Episode 2 (and possibly 3) this weekend, unless I can't pry the controller away from my wife playing Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age, so look forward to that. Remember, the yahoo group's where you can go if you want to effect the upcoming episodes, whenever that is.

Other than that, the schedule! I'm still not sure what I'm going to do about WAS 2 ; It looks like that list of wrestlers might never be coming back up, and good christ, it's going to take a billion years to get the matches set up without it. On the comments for the original post about the matter, a helpful reader suggested using the Google-translated wiki, which is better than nothing, but, oof. (And consider that your official pat on the ass, BTW.) So we'll see. Someone suggested closing the season on WAS 2; I'd rather not, but we'll see how it goes. Might be safer to get those requests in now.

On Saturdays, there's still a ton of Rumble Roses material that'll probably be around forever. In terms of other games, I have to say I really enjoyed Hideous Playstation Boxing Game Month (KEEP YOUR GUARD UP!!!!!). Of course, after it was over, a viewer cued me into a boxing game with women I'd missed (Agetec's oh so imaginitavely named "BOXING") - would have been nice to put up on that fifth Saturday. Well, this is what I get for keeping the games I'm going to use a surprise, huh? Anyways, I got BOXING (WATCH THOSE FEET!!!!!!) off half.com for like $6, so I'll record a match from that and bill it as THE LOST CHAPTER OF HIDEOUS PLAYSTATION BOXING MONTH MOTHER FUCKER. And after that - well, heheh.

I'm thinking of doing something like a GBA Boxing Game Fortnight - as far as I can tell, there's only two games on all the handhelds (aside from Animal Boxing) that have women in them, and these are Wade Hixon's Counter Punch and Boxing Fever. I also heard they ported Ready 2 Rumble (both original and 2) to the GBC/GBA, but I don't know if that actually has any wimmins in it. Investigation pending.

The trouble with these is that I'm always looking for a CPU vs CPU mode, and I doubt any of them have it. You've probably noticed in Hideous Playstation Boxing Game Month, I always pick CPU vs CPU if I can, for a few reasons:

- I like being surprised at the match and who's going to win.
- It's usually a squash if I play against the CPU. (See the Contender 2 videos where the CPU gets pretty much destroyed)
- It's a time saver. I don't want to spend a week practicing, say, Wade Hixon's Counter Punch just to record a single good video with it. CPU vs CPU is a huge timesaver.

So we'll see. I'm not going to leave any games out for this reason, but it does kind of cool my enthusiasm. Maybe I'll just ban anybody who complains about it. (mustache twirl)
I'm still in the planning stages on this, so, please, if you know any handheld/NES/SNES/Genesis/etc. whatever games with female boxers in them I've missed, drop me a line. I'm going to leave Animal Boxing out for now; One because I don't know how well you can emulate/record DS games, and two because beating the fudge out of furries probably deserves an entire month. Holla!

** Update **

Who'da thunk it? Both Ready 2 Rumble one and two have chicks in them. Well, there goes my clever use of "fortnight"...

** Update 2 **

Aw, this pushed the WAS Picture Pack Post off the front page. Don't forget to show that one some love.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Disaster averted (for once)

If you're wondering why today's video was posted so late, YouTube was giving me some guff: Every time I went to the video upload page and entered the information, the progress bar would fill up instantly, then it would pretend to process the video for a few hours, and then tell me "lol aborted" when I went to check the video status.

Turns out the problem was AVG's LinkScanner - weird, right? A quicko Google search turned that up, so thanks, internet person. End transmission.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Even yet still more RRXX pix from Live

Man! Been a long time since I did one of these, huh? I let these build up a long time, so there's a lot of images in here (225 pix at least). As always, if you're uploading Sebastian pictures, knock it off. (I did include a single Sebastian one, because it makes me giggle; keep an eye out for it.)
This picture pack for some reason has a little more risque shots and a little less of the goofy, funny variety - not that there's a shortage of those. (How do you get the girls to hold up their index finger and thumb like that?) I guess people still playing RRXX after all this time are getting more perverted. Anyway - enjoy. Ya fuckers.



Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh, for

So I went to my bookmark for Wrestle Angel Survivor 2 characters (which I use to look up which girls are who in the game itself), and what do I see?

Apparently, Yukes has purchased the company. Okay, great. Does that mean I can't see the fucking WAS 2 roster anymore? Yukes? Get that shit back up there. God damn. Hopefully archive.org captured it or something. This isn't my year so far.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Oh shit

Well, the external hard drive I store all my videos on is making scary clicky sounds, so it's near death. Hopefully I'll be able to pull my YouTube directory right off it. If not, well... heh. The computer I actually record the videos on is still fine, and it remain to be seen how many files I just left in the recorded TV directory (laziness on my side for once) Stay tuned.

** Update **

Looks like it's going to stay alive long enough for me to copy the youtube videos off (albiet s l o w w w l y). Now if I can just get my porn off there too I'll be all set!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well, now for some good news: After Hideous Playstation 1 Boxing Game Month wraps up, Smackdown vs Raw 2010 is ready to debut in febuary January 30th (see update). SvR videos are going to have an irregular schedule of being posted when they're done; This highlight reel stuff takes some getting used to.

In the meantime, the yahoo group is open, so if you want to pitch story ideas (or see pictures of the wrestlers), check it out.

** Update **

I just checked the calendar, and January this year has five saturdays. What the fuck? I've only got four Hideous Playstation 1 Boxing videos, so, um, I guess SvR's going to debut on 1/30. You lucky dogs you.