Yeah, I'm back. It was fun. I got TWO bomb-ass Pope snowglobes for various people. That bad news is I have an ear infection, or something; I went to the Drs and they couldn't even see what was wrong because of a blockage, so they shot hydrogen peroxide into my ear, and some of it got past the blockage into my ear canal and it hurt like a motherfucker. I won't say more because I'm sure nobody wants to hear me being earhurt, but suffice to say, my left ear kind of feels like I got punched in the side of the head by a lady centaur. So don't take it personally if I'm a little grumpy.
ANYWAY, here's the WAS picture news: Of course as soon as I posted the picture pack, I found a bunch more pictures, so I'm going to prepare a supplemental pack. I don't think it's going to be big enough to be a "Vol 2", so we'll just call it supplemental. (Yes, this is the kind of stuff I worry about.) So if you got any pix that weren't in the original pack, send them over and you'll get credit and a hug or whatever. Boom.
Sweet! Can't wait to see them!
Might be quite a while, unfortunately, I'm trying to save up enough to make a download worth while. If you want I might be able to put a preview together :X
Please do.
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