Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Something I find weird (& an annoucement)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry christmas / Happy holidays / Don't touch me, I have the plague

Merry Xmas, everybody. I'm too sick to even record a christmas video this year, sorry. I don't know what I've got, but wash your hands after visiting the blog, yahoo group, or youtube channel. More than you normally would, I guess. Uggghhh.
That news aside, here's the following:
- Still (!) working on that WAS image pack
- The keyboard I brought to plug into the xbox to type up Smackdown vs Raw 2010 stories doesn't have a USB connector, because I'm a moron, so I need a new one
- If Smackdown vs Raw 2010 isn't ready to go in January (and it might or might not be; check the Yahoo group for the up to the minute news), January may be Terrible Old Boxing Game month; doesn't that sound fun?
- Take my advice, don't get sick.
That's all. I'm outta here, bitches.
Friday, December 4, 2009
In which our hero goes on vacation
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
On the Ropes review
Name: On the Ropes
Price: $18.22 (as of 12/1; review text has an earlier price from when the price was lower)
What we got here is a 3D first person boxing game. Actually, this game feels a lot like the western version of the Pine series, so I'm probably going to be comparing them throughout a little bit. In fact, these are both first-person boxing games where you nail the girl if you beat her - but where Pine is a blonde cartoon, this lady is a blonde 3D Poser model. Hmm.
When you launch the game, you've got just Tutorial, Start, and Exit. The Tutorial is, uh, a tutorial, and Exit quits. Start puts you into the ring with your opponent:
The bar at the top is her life, and the bottom is yours. During the match, buttons appear on the screen, her attacks or yours. Click on the button to either block her punch, or hit her yourself, that's all there is to it. Whoever runs out of life first loses.
The game's difficulty seems balanced just about right, which is to say I lose about as often as I win. I've found that if you have trouble, keeping the mouse moving or hovering over her face can help. Unfortunately, most of the actual gameplay is just waiting for the buttons appear, which isn't terribly thrilling. The only thing happening on the screen is your opponent breathing and your hands moving slightly while you wait for a button to show up. You can't take her top off during the match or anything like that - it's very straightforward.
I have to say I do prefer Knuckle Pine's more turn-based boxing more relaxing and easier to enjoy, but this game does rectify one of my complaints about that series, which is that Knuckle Pine is all luck - this game's all dependent on your skill. So marks for that, I guess, but I'm not a big fan of twitch reactions, which is what you'll need for the buttons.
So that's the match. If you lose, you just fall over, and she stands over you while the screen fades for like three seconds, and you can try again, or not. I'm going to make the same criticism as the Pine games here, which is, why doesn't anything happen to you if you lose? Hmph.
Anyway, if you win, your opponent gets thrown - yes - on the ropes:
Clicking any of the icons punches here there. On all these screens, you can punch her as long as you'd like, but it's the same animation and sound effect all the time, so it gets old pretty fast. (Since there's a sound effect for each button, maybe they could be randomized.)
When you're ready to move on, clicking on her chest removes her top, which gives you another menu.
Same as before, although now you can punch her in the tits, and I recommend you do, because the animation for it is hilarious. I don't know how to make an animated GIF, so I tried to capture how it looks with this screenshot, but you probably gotta see it to believe it.
Anyways, from here you pull off her bottoms, and then you can stick it in. This removes the punch icons (thankfully) and gives you two: One of a hammer - I have no idea what this does; I assume clicking on it makes you thrust faster - and one a little white fountain. Click that, and you spurt on her crying face. Nice.
And that's it, it just takes you to a "AGAIN?" screen. There's nothing else to the game; It's lacking the Pine game's endless boxing or jump straight to the end mode, which I think is a shame. unfortunately, there's basically no replay value, since there's only one girl, and only one set of things you can do to her, and you'll have to go through the not particularly thrilling boxing match itself to do them again.
Overall, I think this is a good first effort, but there's some definite room for improvement. To begin with, taking the endless boxing mode and skipping straight to the end aspects of Knuckle Pine would do alot to give the game some more bang for the buck; I also think a discount may be in order, considering the compitition - as of right now the game costs $17, which is the same as the latest Pine game, which I think you'll get a lot more playtime out of. It's hard to recommend at this price, and I think cutting it by 3 or 4 dollars would go a long way towards making this game more attractive. All in all, though, this game just needs maybe a few extra girls and a few extra things to do to them, and we might have a winner. In fact, if it's too much work to make extra girls, how about some basic things like changing her hair, etc?
Can I also make a suggestion to both this and the Pine series: How about an option to make the player a woman? We're not all mixed fans. Well, I guess that might not work in the ending. I dunno. I'm just spitballin'. New boot goofin'. Probably time to wrap this up.
Recommended? Sure, if you know what you're getting into. You read the whole review, right?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
This guy! Come get your nonexistant prize. Better luck next year. (Seriously, it made me sad reading your comments knowing who was going to be winning and losing next week. Better luck with SvR 2010.)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
In which our hero attempts to sign up for AdSense
Well, supposedly I'm signed up for AdSense on this video, although Google asked me if it included "backround music" and video game footage, and I said yes to both. Supposedly it'll be removed if they find a problem with it (and I assume they will), so, uh, keep an eye peeled.
** UPDATE ** 1/13/10:
In two months I've made $0.01 off this video, so fuck it, let's enable rev sharing on another one:
Anybody seeing ads?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
In which our hero is struck down by the plauge

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Smackdown vs Raw 2010 is here, tonight!
Anyways, it's going to take a fair amount of playing around and creating charecters before I'm ready to debut anything. That being said, I'm going to be relying on you, the fans, for storyline ideas and matchs this year. This is a great system, for a few reasons. First is, as explained below (link), I'm not really comftorable writing a bunch of storylines with the storyline creator. Second, I'm a perfectionist and I'm endlessly second-guessing myself, so putting up polls for the fans to vote settles questions that would otherwise drive me nuts saves time and stress. Third, if it works out great, I get to take all the credit, and if it sucks, I can blame someone else. For right now, you can just leave your ideas as comments here or PM them to me on YouTube; I'm thinking of setting up a Yahoo group like M42, except that I can't think of a name for it (should've saved Ryona Kingdom for that instead of making it the name of this blog - damn it!). If you got an idea for that, drop it here too.
I will reveal that the first thing I'll want to do in 2010 is to set up the world title, specifically who has it, and probably start off with a title scramble. The sticky wicket here is that I'm not sure who's going to have the title from 2009 (haven't recorded the last match yet); Out of four possible people, I'm 100% certain two of them will be returning, but Candy Cane and Miss Nurse will both only be in 2010 if the create-a-wrestler parts for them are still in the game - and this isn't a gaurantee, given how much stuff gets removed each year! So if the champ from 2009 is gone in 2010, what am I gonna do? lol i duno. Maybe I'll say she died off-screen. We'll see.
That's pretty much it - I'll probably be updating with which wrestlers will be returning from 2009 to 2010 after playing with the creator for a while. Remember, if you want me to use a CAW you came up with, just give me the formula or put it up for download on Live; No promises, but if I like her, she'll show up in the storylines. And let's see some storyline ideas! Don't make me have to write them myself!
** Update **
Well, they removed the nurse outfit and hat, so it looks like Miss Nurse had to retire. (Uh, or change jobs). On the upside, there's a ridiculous fetish maid outfit which I think I'm going to use.
They also removed the pattern tool for clothes (WTF, seriously?) so American Heroine is out. Damn!
** Update 2 **
Thanks to M42 with the name assist, I've got my Yahoo group. Not much there yet, but you can join here if you want to get a jump start.
Friday, October 9, 2009

You said it, Cory. I dunno if you've seen it yet, but YouTube pushed the new, hideous, moronically laid out channel design on poor ol' me today. Ugh. As far as I can see, there's no option to switch it back to the old usable channel, either. ;_;
Count yourself lucky if you've still got the old design. Maybe there will be enough outcry to get an option for the old channels put back in, but I'm not holding my breath. Barf.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Price: $11.69 (lulz)
Shit! This is just a bunch of audio files! Arrrggghhhh. I guess I should have read this more carefully. Damn it. Next time I'm just going to get "I know!! I'll Have My Little Sister and Big Sister Help Me Masturbate!! 2". Fudge.
Recommended? No!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Upcoming shedule & games
I've been thinking about 2009 a bit, since 2010 comes out in October. 2009 will keep going thus: Whoever wins the Queen of the Ring gets her title shot, and whoever is the champ after that match will fight whoever wins the No. 1 Contender match decided by the poll. This title match will be the last 2009 match. (sheds a single tear)
2010 I'll have on release day, but it takes a long time to get wrestlers ready, so don't expect 2010 matches right off the bat. Not only that, but I'll be playing around with the storyline creator to see what I want to do with it. Honestly, I'd love to do like a Ryonaking Raw entire show, but I don't think I have the patience or booking skills for that. Well, okay, I don't have the booking skills, and I don't think fans have the patience to sit through a lot of talking before the girls wrestle. Trying to set up a match would probably just end up like this:
(two wrestlers bump into each other backstage)
Wrestler 1: What's that smell?
Wrestler 2: Probably your ass.
Wrestler 1: Oh, yeah? Well, you are a stupid moron with a ugly face and a big butt and your butt smells and you like to kiss your own butt.
Wrestler 2: You cunt!
(they fight)
Losing wrestler: I have been shown who is the BOSS
So I'm probably just going to use the storyline creator for little skits before a match - give the girls some personality, but not really booking a whole show. We'll see how it goes. I'm honestly just overjoyed they apparently lifted the female match restrictions. Steel cage, here I come!
Other than that, I got to thinking - there's really no new games coming out anywhere on the horizon. In fact, the only one that really has any potential at all is EA Sports MMA if they do the smart thing and get Gina Carano in there. Other than that, really nothing. It's sad - games this generation just don't include women anymore. They're not in Fight Night games, they weren't in TNA Impact (and it doesn't look like there will be a 2), they weren't in UFC Undisputed; I got nothing here.
Since there's nothing new, I'm looking back to older games - I've still got some undebuted games like Facebreaker, but I don't know how much milage you can get out of a goofy looking game like Facebreaker, or the PS1 games I have - boxing games from back then at least included women, but god, the graphics are so hideous. I see a lot of Rumble Roses XX videos in my future.
If you've got any suggestions about a game I should cover, feel free to drop me a line. My only disclaimer is I usually don't do Mortal Kombat style stuff where the girl's spines get ripped out - not really my style most of the time, and other people on YouTube seem to have this covered. Yearg!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
More top comments, september edition
User detroitbuzz on Love Upper Natsumi Final Boss Challenge:
I'm sure guys with dirty fetishes get off on this game.
User jpatespals1 on Wrestle Angel Survivor Tag Team Tournament:
u need to grow up u grown fagot
User virch0 on SvR8: Bunny vs Heroine:
User Halfort57 on SvR09: Bunny vs Vampire:
your bunny girl is a little bit overrarred a bunny girl must have good waits and hips, good boobs as well but you go too far with her
User ilikecoloredfish on WAS Chris Morgan vs Suzumi Ishikawa:
User BikeCrazy75 on FPR: Gruesome Fight:
ur gay
User craigm06 on FPR: Gruesome Fight:
sad bastrads for even uploading urselves playing on computer games, how pathetic
User daddydon48 on WAS 2 Ledy Cody vs Chris Morgan:
This shit is so lame, somebody has too much time on their hands, or worse, their hands on their dicks. GET A LIFE!
That's all for this time. More later, I'm sure.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Yes, still more RRXX pix from Live

Even more RRXX images from Xbox Live! I'm going to have to start cutting down a little, because once I hit 56 pages of images, RRXX is being all BOO HOO DELETE SOME IMAGES FIRST. Sniff. That said, I have to say that people who are still taking and uploading pix after all this time really can produce some things that still amaze me.
One more note: Stop taking Sebestian pictures. I'm not fucking around here. I will kill every one of you.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
SvR 2009 Post QoR Title Match
** Update **
New poll in there. Try again plz.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Exactly. I have to wonder - what is gross about Rowdy Reiko's sideboob? Maybe when he grows up a little more he'll come to appricate the weird feelings he apparently gets when looking at it.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Knuckle Pine review
And now, the first DLsite game review!
Knuckle Pine
Name: Knuckle Pine
Price: $7.64
Knuckle Pine is a very simple first person boxing game. The premise is that Pine here thinks she's such hot shit that anyone who beats her can have thier way with her, and you're stepping up to the challenge.
The game itself is, as stated, very simple. You and Pine both have life bars on the left and right side. At the bottom of the screen are four squares. Clicking on one reveals a value, 0, 1, 2, or 3. Pine also gets a number, and whoever has the higher number lands some punches and does some damage.
You can click on her chest to take her top off, and then further clicking on her chest has your boxer kind of brush her nipples with his gloves, which makes her very angry and provokes a strong counter punch.
The timer bar on the bottom counts down, and if it hits zero, the game picks a box for you - as far as I can tell, the CPU picking a box for you has just as good a chance as topping Pine's number as you do. I guess this is uh... one hand mode? Gross.
Honestly, I found the game to be exceptionally easy; I had to go out of my way to lose - I took her top off and then kept attacking her nipples until she knocked me out. (More on what happens if you win or lose later.) The game's biggest weakness, I think, is that the boxing match itself is really short - one of you is gonna be knocked out in under a minute. Pine could put up more of a fight, too, but I wouldn't want the game to be too hard. You can always get her top off and then attack her chest if you want to handicap yourself - but, again, since the matches are over in under a minute, it's kind of pointless.
So, after the match is over, one of two things happen. If you win, as promised, you have your way with her; you click though some scenes of her getting nailed. The first part where you're fingering her is in third person, then first person when you're actually giving it to her. When you're done, she's upset and punches you out, which brings up a YOU WIN? screen and the credits.
If you lose, though, nothing happens except Pine says GOODBYE BABY with her thick accent. I kind of wish something else happened when you lost; let Pine have her way with you, so to speak - have her take off those shorts and sit on your face, something like this. Maybe in the sequel.
Once you've cleared the game once, you see this screen on startup - top option plays the intro, middle option takes you right to the match, bottom option takes you right to the fucking. Actually, the middle option might make it so you can box Pine forever; After clicking it once, our life bars never went down, no matter what I do. I'm going to assume this is a feature and not a bug.
(Update: I've been told the menu options are Begin Match, Free Battle, Pine's Room - "Free Battle" must be endless boxing mode.)
Being able to choose which part of the game to go to is nice and adds a little - I don't want to say replay value, but being able to skip to the part you wants makes it a lot more likely that you'll fire the game up again. Which is good, because you'll be done with it in about five minutes. There's something to be said for not having it take half an hour to beat your opponent (with some games we'll be seeing later), but the boxing part could stand to be a lot longer. (Or you could do Free Battle.) As long as you know what you're getting into length wise - if you see yourself beating up poor Pine repeatedly - it's hard to go wrong for $7 and change. And, yes, I'm going to be dazzled by the cheap price as we go through these games.)
(I tried to get a picture of her victorious with her top still on, but even without chosing an option, Pine can't lose unless I throw the match by getting her top off and making her angry. )
Recommended? With reservations; Read the whole review instead of just this, lazy.
Do bear in mind the game has two sequels (linked in the post below this) - they both feature more stuff than this game, so you may want to consider them instead. Then again, I haven't written a review for those yet, have I? Harumph!
DL Site games
rengokuring - menu-based wrestling game?
rengotougi - the sequel
Knuckle Pine - boxing game. Reviewed here.
Knuckle Pine Dash - the sequel
Kunckle Pine TURBO - the second sequel.
OL Fight - Uh, looks like you beat up a OL. Haven't tried the demo yet
On the Ropes - boxing game. Reviewed here.
Pit Viper - a spiritual sequel.
Misaki fights underground battles in the erotic wrestling - Heh, I love discriptive titles.
Fight Club WILDCAT 2 - actually, I have no idea if this is a game or not. Supposedly "This work has several ending patterns which change depending on your choice", which is good enough to get it on this list.
Fight Club WILDCAT 3 - See above.
Harenchi Wrestling: I don't know exactly what this is, but it frankly looks pretty terrifying.
Bokkoboko!!: Again, not sure if this is really a game. One way to find out. Reviewed here.
Obviously, this is going to be a long and ongoing project. If you think I'm missing any, drop me a line or leave a comment and I'll add it to the list.
** Update **
I forgot to mention this, but I'll update this post with a link any time a new DL site product gets reviewed.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Queen of the Ring Round 2

Ahh! Round 2. I know a lot of fan favorites got eliminated in Round 1, but there's only going to be one winner, after all. Stick around and root against whoever beat your favorite! Next week will be a palette cleansing Rumble Roses XX video (probably the long-awaited Noble Rose H-Move Special), then Round 2 begins August 23rd. Enjoy it, or else.
(I'm also thinking about putting up a poll where people can vote for thier favorites elimiated in Round 1 + Miss Bunny; Top two vote getters face off in a match, winner gets a title shot at whoever the champ is after this tournament. Gotta keep that world title picture fresh!)
** Update **
Definitly some interest here, so I'll be featuring that poll in a little bit. (I'll probably let the Queen of the Ring tournament get a little farther before putting the poll up - don't want to steal the spotlight). Stay tuned.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Yet another collection of Rumble Roses XX pictures from Xbox Live

Well, you know what we got here: More RRXX pix downloaded from Xbox Live, 147 of them this time (I uh, may have gone slightly overboard). As always, I have to say I'm amazed at the creativity and skill on display here.
That being said, I do have one note for those of you still uploading pictures onto xbox live: Stop using Sebastian. Good god.
Download links!
Enjoy. (Yes, still working on the WAS pack as well.)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
** Update **
Surgery went well, but they're keeping her overnight because she's having trouble sleeping the anasteshia off.
** Update 2 **
Well, she's back. Supposed to take 5-6 hours, and it took 28 since they had to keep her overnight and then nobody could find a doctor to actually sign the discarge papers. Whew!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
And now some plugs
In the meantime, I thought I'd plug some of my favorite video creators. I know I'm forgetting some people, so drop a comment if you're missing.
In no particular order:
SplitRyona: All kinds of stuff, mostly tending towards 2D fighters lately. He helps me out by sending me links to PS2games to make videos from, so go give him some views.
Calpal80833: Wrestle Angel Survivor 2 slideshow movies. Produces WAS2 movies much faster than me, either because he's doing slideshows, or because he isn't a lazy slob. Try making a request here if you don't want to wait for me to fill it. (Don't double dip, though!)
The last word in Love Upper videos. Killer backround, too.
M42 Productions (link goes to blog):
The Highlight Reel tool in Smackdown vs Raw 2009 is used to create spectacular matches that look totally different from a normal Smackdown vs Raw match (IE, all the boring stuff is cut out). YouTube yanked these for nebulous (look it up, kids) violations of the "community guidelines", so the link goes to his blog, where you can get the matches direct in higher quality.
Bonus points: The videos include sound clips besides the (literally) two female CAW sound effects SvR09 ships with.
Topless Superheroine Wrestling Leauge (goes to Yahoo group):
Yes, this is just what it sounds like. Haxxxxxxxx are used to remove the tops of superheroines created with Smackdown vs Raw 2008. 18+, of course.
Lapere: Smackdown vs Raw videos. I already posted what is, to me, his masterpiece down below where a chunky vampire beats up Sarah Palin. Here's his channel.
Puppet32ca: Original Rumble Roses videos. Still a great looking game, honestly.
That's everyone I can remember right now; inevitable head-slapping update coming soon.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Putting together a WAS image pack
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Imagine my surprise to read calpal80833's comment:
Was this requested? Cause someone asked me to do the same exact match. I don't really want to make deja vu matches.
That's what we call dirty pool. I hate to do this, but you leave me no choice. I thought posting in the request rules that I don't want deja vu matches would do the trick, but you scofflaws leave me no choice. From now on, any deja vu requests will result in the request being canceled, if I havn't recorded the video yet, and the user being banned from any further requests. Therefore,
lordmgc is now BANNED from any future requests.
Monday, June 15, 2009
It's my birthday!!

** Update **
The first present rolls in!
** Update 2 **
More presents!
A collection of Rumble Roses XX pictures from Xbox Live

Well, just like it says in the title: A collection of Rumble Roses XX pictures from Xbox Live. Honestly, I have to say, I'm really surprised at the amazing pictures that xbox live users can coax out of the photoshoot mode.
I tried putting these up on Photobucket and Flickr, but Photobucket always deletes about a dozen as being TOO HOTT, and I'm out of space on my Flickr account. So, fuck it - here's the whole shebang (Volumes 1 and 2, each "Volume" being all the good pix up on Live at any given time). Crapidshare:
More later, obviously. That's all - go watch some Queen of the Ring matches, would ya? I worked hard on this!
Almost forgot! Today's my birthday - you owe me a present, Internet! Maybe I'll make that a seperate post, actually. This is obviously a big deal.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
And we're back!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
So the long and short of it is, I'm going up to the PC store to pick out the components for the new computer today, which means I highly doubt it'll be back in action before at least early next week. No videos until then, sorry. Great timing with the Queen of the Ring tournament, huh? Yearg.
** Bonus **
I saw this video on you tube:
This is one of those games you plug right into the TV. Check it out. If anyone wants to buy one of these for me, I'll be happy to make some videos with it. Then again, uh, I guess if you can afford it and understand enough japanese to purchase it, you could just keep it. Sheesh!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
2009 Queen of the Ring
Coming up soon, the tournament will be run in Smackdown vs Raw 2009. The winner will get a title shot (I did say I was going to start using the belt!), as well as the usual WWF/E tradition of being called THE 2009 QUEEN OF THE RING every time she appears for like eight months.
This is a 16-woman, single-elimination tournament. Every wrestler so far debuted will take place, except, obviously, the champ, and Miss Bunny, who lost her qualification match, and will have to spend the entire tournament watching it from the back with mounting rage. Miss Nurse, who defeated her in the qualificaiton match, will be allowed to chose her first round opponent.
That leaves 13 already debuted wrestlers entering the tournament - to fill the new brackets, three new wrestlers will be debuting.
The brackets (click for larger version):

Barring any computer mishaps, the tournament will begin Saturday, June 6th, and be punctuated at reasonable intervals with other videos so I can take five.
Stay tuned.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Upcoming tournament news, time off, views, comments, blahbity blorb
In the meantime, I'm still putting some finishing touches on the tournament, which means there will be no videos for one week (the week of May 18); Normal service will resume on the 27th, along with the offical Queen of the Ring 2009 annoucement, brackets, and details.
That should also give some time for the latest videos to build up more views - I don't know what YouTube did a few weeks ago, but the views for the videos are way down; I don't think that it's just mine, because it's struck all of my videos at once, and there are just as many comments (maybe even more). I think it might have to do with how YouTube counts views, but in any case, it's going to take some getting used to; I'm not sure I can use my old 1000 views = healthy interest metric anymore.
That also leads me to comments, specifically, YouTube's been acting flakey when I try to respond to some of them; I've tried to respond to Dexiekun's comment on this video like three times, and it's never there when I go back to the site. (Maria's the one with blue hair, BTW). So if you don't see me responding to your comments, don't worry - I still read every single comment left. Hoo hah.
So that's it for now; stay tuned. Big stuff coming :o
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Top Comments April 2009
User YamatoXion on SC4 Santa vs Naughty Santa:
omg this is sad, guys getting excited over female characters fighting in their under wear
User redisngal1234 on Saint's Row 2 Fight Club Valentine's Day Special (Part 1):
ur player is completely naked ridiculous
User kwfine on Rumble Roses Live Action Reiko vs Makoto:
men enjoying watching women fighting are sick.
Please stop violence
User FXX360SPIDER on WAS Six Woman Tag Mayhem:
wow that is gay
Gems, all. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for anything great enough to be put into the next installment!
Friday, April 24, 2009
SvR schedule
Going up Saturday is the last normal debut match; after that there's a tag match, then probably a week off for another Rumble Roses video while I get my shit together. And after that? Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho. I'm cooking up something big. Stay tuned.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Shit I was jealous. A friend of mine put it in perspective:
RyonaKing: That should be my videos of girls hugging while pink gas comes out of them on TV ;_;
Unknown Person: Man, why are you jealous? G4 is total trash -- you probably have a wider audience than they do!
RK: Well! I was until you pointed that out.
RK: Come to think of it, I know a bazillion gamers, and I think 0% of them watch G4.
UP: Exactly! All this clown got was to be chucked at by a bunch of buffoons and go uncredited despite his videos being shown on quote-unquote national TV.
Can't argue with that!
Almost forgot - the WAS 1 poll turned out something like 11 to 3 in favor of going back and recording the last two matches. Huzzah.
** Update **
Looks like Spoony agrees. About G4, I mean; I don't know how he voted in the Wrestle Angel Survivor poll.
It begins
What kind of 'community' doesn't love chunky, barely dressed, tattooed hispanic women beating up and killing insane postmen and prisoners in a no holds barred MMA fight? I thought this was AMERICA, not nazi russia!
** Update **
Let's try Viddler:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
WAS update / more removed wrestlers
So, uh. There's requests for both of these charecters, but people don't seem to like going back to original WAS to record matches; I think I'll just put up a poll. Democracy in action!
Vote closes next Thursday; looks like the consensus so far is to go back and give 'em one last fling. You guys are all heart ;_;
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A note on squashes
Yeah, it's a squash match. I'm not gonna say that I ain't never done a squash match, buddy. You're going to see these once in a while for two reasons:
1.) Someone has requested a squash.
In which case, you can take it up with whoever asked for the match.
2.) It's impossible to record anything else.
Difficult as it may be to belive, sometimes it's impossible to get a competitive match out of two girls who are matched up. You can choose the girls' power levels - if it's a squash when they have even power levels, I'll lower the power of whoever's dominating and try again. If that results in a squash again, there's really nothing I can do except keep re-recording the match and hoping for a miracle. If I do six or seven rematches and they're all squashes, then I don't have any choice; I can either post a squash or cancel someone's request. Since I'm defending posting squash matches, I guess you can see which path I'm taking.
So the tl;dr version is, yes, I am going to be posting squash matches, and complaining about it isn't going to change my mind. If you're really upset, just take a few deep breaths and remember - even Triple H got squashed during his career.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I got mentioned in the Stilwater Gazette!!
Videos of the Week!
With Valentine’s Day having recently passed, it’s only fair that we say goodbye to the holiday with a bang. But instead of an explosion, “RyonaKing” has decided to attack head on with both fists. They also decided the best way to perform the Fight Club activity is while simultaneously streaking, so watch the video below to enjoy the hilarity. Part 2 can be seen HERE.
I'm extremely proud of this, probably a lot prouder of this than I have any right to be.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Upcoming video schedule march 2009
Well, that's all done now! Or at least it will all be done by next Saturday, when I can start posting videos.
So here's what we're looking at: There are 5 SvR matches in the can, ready to go, and one more I'm about to record. Out of the six, one of these is a tag match featuring no new charecters debuting, but the other five are debut matches. Each debut match has two new wrestlers taking each other on, so when these are all posted, the roster will have 11 wrestlers (Miss Demon & the ten being introduced). By the time these 6 videos will have been posted, each wrestler will have only faced one opponent, so I'll take any requests about who should fight who.
It will probably take longer than 6 weeks to get these all posted - I'll probably throw in a Rumble Roses match one Saturday, and maybe another Fallout 3 glitch or Saint's Row 2 video in, also - but they should be all posted in, say, two months; we'll see what happens from there. (If nobody requests any particular matches, I might just set up a tournament for a title shot as Miss Demon or something.)
WAS 2 videos will continue every Wednesday, of course; The views are still down, so watch your favorite match twice ;_;
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hells to the yes. This one was made in 2008, so hopefully it'll last a while longer.
Not sure if there's going to be a video this saturday; I was out until this beauty arrived, so we'll see if I have any time to get one recorded and edited.
Blog note: You may have noticed that the blog is now wider. I did that because I was getting really peeved at Blogger cutting the right half off of all my images. The sidebar and crap now appears all the way at the bottom; it looks broken, but honestly, I'll give up the sidebar to have my frickin' images displayed. Woof!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Matches this week

Removed Charecter Tag Bomb
Yes, this is the end of the road. All four requests featuring these charecters are going to be rolled into this.

School Outfit Tag Match
I'm getting a little tired of four-way matches, so let's have a good old fashioned 2 on 2 tag match. Someone wanted to see schoolgirl outfits, so here we are. This match ran like 3 seconds long, so I think I'm just going to cut the first three seconds, which is just Reiko circling Dixie anyway.
So, there we are. Look forward to it.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Odds and ends
Item 1: I'm still reading all the comments on my youtube channel, but I've mostly given up responding directly to them, because it looks goofy. If you're asking a question you want everyone to see the answer to, it's a good spot, and it's also an OK location for match requests; if I don't respond to your match request there, I probably got it, so don't worry.
That being said, I do check the coments on this blog (see the post below this), so don't be shy.
Item 2: STILL waiting for the Smackdown vs Raw 2009 patch. I read that the PS3 version just sets all caws to 90, which is just as bad as having them all at 37. TBH, if this fucking patch isn't out in like two weeks, I'm just going to start putting matches up with the default stats; I've been working on the girls for a long time, and I'm itching to debut them.
Item 3: I have a bunch of Fallout 3 and Saint's Row 2 videos I'm dying to post, but they're all off topic. I'm going to try to limit myself to one a month (maybe the first monday of a month, or something); I think you'll enjoy them (obviously, or I wouldn't post them) but they're non-ryona, so I'll go light on them.
Item 4: I'm still trying to work down the request list on my profile page. Belive it or not, those are all STILL Wrestle Angel Survivor 1 matches I'm finishing up. Astounding, right? That being said, the list is shrinking, however slowly. As soon as it's gone, we'll be in full-on WAS 2 mode - so start requesting new girls as soon as you see that list disappear; I'm aching to get out some of the stranger girls.
Item 5: I'm toying with announcing a video on this blog before posting it; I happen to be posting two videos this week that lend themselves to this, so check back monday and there should be some teaser images.
Item 6: Views are getting a little low for videos recently - the last one to break a thousand was posted a week from last Saturday - so I may take this saturday off to let the views build up. These are good matches, people. Frowny face.
I think that's all; Like I said, check back monday, when I'll have both a preview of the upcoming week's matches, and also an annoucement about the requests for WAS 1 matches that include removed girls. Stay tuned.