Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rumble Roses Good Vs Bad Tournament Round 3

Last round, the good girls were facing a formidable task, with only two of them left facing off against six bad girls. Lo and behold, they won both of their matches, and now in the semifinals it's all evened up - one good and one bad girl will wrestle in each match for the honor of moving on to the finals. The matchups:

1/8: Sgt. Clements vs Makoto
1/15: Noble Rose vs Sista A
1/22: Final!

The two winning girls will meet up in the finals; The winner will, of course, receive a special prize if I can work up the courage to pay someone on deviantart to draw her covering her nether regions with the championship belt. Boom!

I'm going to try and post a palette cleanser in between the round that's just concluded and the semifinals (Jan 1st); However, I'm running low on completed videos, so, uh, we'll see. Either way, stay tuned!

** Update **

I just realized January has FIVE Saturdays in 2011; No idea what's going to run on the last week (February will be starting Knuckle Pine month). Fuck!

** Update 2 **

It'll be Noble Rose vs Sgt. Clements for the whole bag of chips on 1/22. People have expressed an interest in having a match between Candy and Sista A to see who comes in as first runner-up, so I'm going to record that as well. The girl who comes in #2 in the tournament by winning that match will receive, like the overall champion, absolutely nothing.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Xmas

I went to read last year's holidays message and noticed something weird: I'm sick at Christmas two times in a row. It's not a stress thing, because I'm so anal I have all the presents ordered, if not wrapped and tagged, by December second. What are the odds? Anyway, next year I'll try to heed my sage advice of last year by not getting sick. What a jerk.

Anyways, I'm getting off topic here. Ahem:


Now I wish I could give each and every one of you a present, but alas. The movie going up Christmas Day features Candy Cane, and unfotuneatly, there's one person who really wants to see her win, and one person who really wants to see her lose, and well, one person's going to get a richly deserved present, and one person is going to get undeserved coal in the ol' stocking. So, to whoever's disappointed, I'll see if I can make it up to you in the new year. For everyone else, happy holidays, and go bearhug your family.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A quick plug

Just a quick note: If you're bored this holiday season, why not check out my OTHER youtube channel? The first series, "Operation: Balls Punch" is a little bit one-note, but I'm extremely proud of the second series, Operation Robots, paticuarly the third in the series, which I think is going to go down as my most enduring, beautiful work. Beautiful and touching.

If you're curious, I'm the guy with the green T-shirt in Operation Balls Punch, and the robot on the left in Operation Robots. The Sarah Palin-looking lady in Operation Balls Punch and pink robot in Operation Robots if, of course, Kitten Hammer. Two episodes also have a special guest star (although I don't think the second episode with him in it's been uploaded yet). I wrote all the episodes (except "Wife is Right"), and she directed all of them, so it shouldn't be long before we get those Oscars now!

Friday, December 10, 2010

I tried (a little)

Since the Knuckle Pine series (FINALLY) turned out so well, I thought I'd go for a P4-esque ONE MORE! and try to get some Panda Moderns videos, one each of On the Ropes and Pit Viper. (Thus the image for this post. Get it? [Spoilers: It's a panda]) Unforchies, these aren't Flash games like the Pine series; They're stand-alone exes, and both of them are too processor-intensive for my piece of shit old PC I've been using to record windows game footage with. (My new computer is a beast that can handle it easily, but I can't make Hypercam record any sound). The resulting videos are de-synched; The On the Ropes one is just plain desynched, but Pit Viper's video is totally destroyed, in a way that I actually find kind of funny. So, sorry, Panda Moderns, no free advertising. Well, unless people are reading this blog post and go click on the links up there. Heh. Anyway, I might be able to use Fraps since these are standalone EXEs (which is the whole reason I was using Hypercam in the first place - Fraps doesn't recognize the Pine exes as games). We'll see; I already used up half a day futzing with these (my cat helped by running in and hitting the one exact button on the keyboard that stops recording in the middle of the first Pit Viper video). Anyway, here's the messed up videos for your enjoyment. On the Ropes isn't too spectacular (in fact I'm not sure why I uploaded it), but take a peek at Pit Viper. Yeeee.

On the Ropes

Pit Viper

** Update **

Fraps doesn't recognize either game to record, so, so much for that idea. Maybe if I put it on my old laptop. Hmm.