Tuesday, April 26, 2011
New video recording device!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Quick plug
I'll tell you right out that I already purchased this game and it's pretty good. The author plays with the POV perspective in a refreshing way, and really, people, we're not gonna get more of these games if you don't go out and buy the ones that are already out! (All right, my only caveat: You're playing as a submissive, so even on the "I admit I'm a worm, don't hit me so hard" difficulty mode, I got my ass beat twice. Aw.) I might see about doing a playthrough for a YT video, but I'm probably gonna ask the author first out of courtesy - I'm not sure if he wants some of the stuff to stay as surprises. Now go check it out!
Oh, PS: Arcana Heart 3 is also out on the PSN. (Get Dream Knockout first, it's half the price)
PPS: Photo unrelated, sorry. I wish Blogger would add support for the caption tag. Got dang.
** Update **
Permission granted! Now if I can just get the sound to work. Woof!
Friday, April 1, 2011
New backround poll
Password is "RyonaKing". I was gonna set up a HTML poll, but there's like 27 choices, so that's a little bit out of the question. Uh, vote in the comments, I guess. Hopefully with 27 choices one of them gets at least two votes :X
** Update **
If you can, include the number at the end of the image (ex. Makoto eating Aigle's rice is 01) - makes it easier to write down on my little results sheet here. Two votes recorded so far!
** Update 2 **
Vote totals so far:
(Hitomi Fujishima, according to MegamanZXOmega)
Mighty Yukiko: 2 votes
Rowdy Reiko: 1 vote
Megumi Muto: 1 vote
Makoto & Aigle: 1 vote
** Update 3 **
Poll closes tomorrow (April 13)!
** Update 4 **
Poll's closed. Boom!
** Update 5 **
Oh, maybe I need to size that down a little bit. You can hardly tell what it is.
** Update 6 **
Record for most updates to a single post!
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