Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Double X Tournament!

So you might remember the Rumble Roses XX Singles Tournament, which got interrupted by Mr Seagate pulling a blarg im ded. The good news is my wife's addicted to Civ V, which means I can use the xbox to record the tournament, so it's pretty much all in the can at this point. Barring any disasters, the first match should go live Saturday, October 2nd. The first round is 8 matches, so it will span every Saturday of October and November. The first match, going up the 2nd (of October; man that's a confusing sentence), will pit Noble Rose against Anasteshia; The other seven opening round matches will be all the other girls except Yasha/Benikage, face persona versus heel persona. After that names will be picked out of a hat (possibly literally) to determine the second round matchups. I'm going to market this as a Face vs Heel tournament, although since I'm leaving it up to the CPU, who knows how many faces and heels are going to be left by the second round?
The winner of the tournament will receive nothing (lololol), because there's really nothing to give, unfortunately; I could put the title on her, but you wouldn't be able to tell anyway. Maybe I'll scrape up $15 to commission the winner wearing a title belt and nothing else from someone on DeviantArt or something.*
So that's that - stay tuned. Wednesday WAS programming will continue as usual. I know the area on my YT page listing the current status of WAS requests is way out of date, but I don't have time to update it right now. I need an intern around here or something.
Last note: Do I need a tournament tag for posts? Maybe I do. Fuck it, let's have a tournament tag.

* No, I won't, but if someone else wants to, I'll tell you who won ahead of time. Spoiler alert. Should I have put a anchor link from the asterisk down to here? Man, I really do need an intern. Shit!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wrestle Angel picture annoucement (and I'm back)

Yeah, I'm back. It was fun. I got TWO bomb-ass Pope snowglobes for various people. That bad news is I have an ear infection, or something; I went to the Drs and they couldn't even see what was wrong because of a blockage, so they shot hydrogen peroxide into my ear, and some of it got past the blockage into my ear canal and it hurt like a motherfucker. I won't say more because I'm sure nobody wants to hear me being earhurt, but suffice to say, my left ear kind of feels like I got punched in the side of the head by a lady centaur. So don't take it personally if I'm a little grumpy.

ANYWAY, here's the WAS picture news: Of course as soon as I posted the picture pack, I found a bunch more pictures, so I'm going to prepare a supplemental pack. I don't think it's going to be big enough to be a "Vol 2", so we'll just call it supplemental. (Yes, this is the kind of stuff I worry about.) So if you got any pix that weren't in the original pack, send them over and you'll get credit and a hug or whatever. Boom.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rumble Roses pix from Live, Chapter VII

BIG packs this time, kids, since it's been half a year since the last one. 328 images, and no Sebastians (although I almost cracked and put a funny one in where Mistress Spencer is kicking him in the groin). Also, two bear pictures. If you're one of the kind souls still taking and uploading these pictures to Live, keep at it. And if you're uploading Sebastian pictures, I'm going to find you. You'll be coming home one day, turning the key in your front door, your mind far away from taking and uploading Sebastian pictures nobody want to see, and boom, before you know it, you will come to know the regret of of taking Sebastian pictures. That is all.

Download links!

