Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's Black and Bruised month!

(Public service announcement: I don't recommend typing "black and bruised" into Google Image Search - lots of depressing results.)

Time for another one-game month! This time it's the goofy, cel-shaded boxing brawler Black and Bruised from the PS2. Heck, why don't I just let the request speak for itself:

Now I don't blame you if you've never heard of it. It flew under the radar years ago and lasted like a month before hitting the bargain bin but thats not to say it's awful. I mean it's not good but it's not awful.

But you know what is awful? The fact there are like zero good videos of this game on youtube! The ones featuring everyone's favorite boxing babes (Janet, Holly, etc) are all camcorder crap. We need a pro like you to fix this!

Now I love what you're doing with Wrestle Angles Survivor 2 and RRXX but I think it's time to dust off this old overlooked classic.

Well, never let it be said I don't have a good video capture device. The only caveat I'll issue here is that some of the matches are going to be pretty short - this is a "boxing-based" game, not a boxing game, so there's not a lot of fancy footwork and blocking, it's mostly the two women throwing punches at each other's face until one of them can't get up. I mean, I can run away from the opponent to make a match last longer, but not only does that feel kind of contrary to the game's spirit, but it also is probably pretty fucking boring to watch. So I didn't! There's no Knockout Kings 2001 style 30 minute duels here. Whether you prefer this style or not, I guess you'll just have to watch the videos to find out.

Friday, April 6, 2012


So, you may remember that last year I got a new video recording device. Unfortunately, having (a year later, cough) gotten around to actually using the thing, I can't really recommend it. The recorder itself works great, but it has one single fatal flaw - the recorder puts out divx video. Guess what file format the fucking software bundled with the recorder can't handle? Yeah. Div fucking X. I was like (see image at left). So this means that if you want to edit the file at all - say, to remove the little bit of load screen that got captured because you had to hit Record early because the video recorder has some start-up lag and otherwise it misses the first couple seconds of video - well, you're shit out of luck; Off to Google to see if you can find a free DivX editor, sucker. Which is what I'm doing now, by the way - that's how much I love my fans; I'm wasting an afternoon fucking around with Video Pad Pro or whatever to cut out four seconds of loading. You may appreciate my sacrifice now.

So long story short, that Roxio devicewas a bust. Next up I got my eyes set on this - anyone who gets it for me gets a year's worth of requests.