So what about Saturday videos? Well, you may disagree with me here, but I have to say Supremacy MMA was kind of a bust; Turns out neither one of the female fighters has any submissions at all (!). I mean, I could do story mode, but it's basically just the same fight over and over again. I was kind of hoping to get a little more material from it, but those are the breaks. So what's on tap?
Well, October is probably going to be business as usual, which is to say Rumble Roses on Saturday and, like above, possibly every other WAS 2 on Wednesday. I'm working on some side projects, but I wouldn't expect to see any of them until 2012. (Wait, you want to know what I'm actually working on? Okay, you talked me into it - Knockout Kings, Black and Bruised, and Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 for the PS2, primarily.)
Why won't any of these be ready in November or December, you ask? Well, November is going to mostly be a wash; I'm going on vacation to Disney to celebrate the second anniversary of my wife turning 29, and I'm going to be gone like 17 days or something ridiculous, and when I get back both Skyrim and Saint's Row 3 are going to be waiting for me, so I don't anticipate that November's going to be terribly productive.
December, however, I am cooking up another theme month. Let's just say you may not want to remember getting dismembered in December. Although you probably wouldn't be able to remember anything because you'd probably be dead after getting dismembered. Anyway, stay tuned.