Saturday, June 18, 2011

Where'd the top comments go?

One kind of post I unforchies can't do anymore is "Top Comments", mostly because trolls no longer seem to hang around my videos. Admittedly, there are still people hit and running with stuff like "gay" and "wtf" and there are some great comments. Just at random, ones I've seen recently: "in pro wrestling, this move is called the cameltoe clutch" and "HOW THE FUCK CAN U DISLIKE THIS".
The issue I have there is that these aren't negative if not always complimentary; I feel like the gag only works if I have a grandiose introduction about the frank exchange of ideas and thoughtful comments to follow, and then straight-facedly present a bunch of people calling myself or other viewers GAY FAGZ or sad bastards. This may partly be my own fault; I can't remember if I've been banning trolls from commenting or not, but that may be why they're gone. Cue sad face: =(

That being said, I did see an absolutely great comment that I'm going to try and work into conversations whenever possible:

lol @ 2:05 tifa having a right good feel of elanas bum =]

lol indeed. That's all for today; Go have a right good feel of your special person's bum now, you sad bastards.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just a reminder

Wednesday, June 15th, is my birthday, when I'll be turning twenty-(coughing, mumbling wheezing). Don't feel bad if your present is late; I like late presents, they cheer me up more than getting everything all at once. And no, I don't have enough text to fill in the space next to this image; It's my birthday, I don't have to. Just do what the image says.