For a while I've been considering recording some more Windows games; Total Knockout Boxing was a big hit, even though the video quality wasn't the greatest. I've settled on doing Knuckle Pine boxing month, with a match each from Knuckle Pine and Knuckle Pine Dash, and one each from Turbo (which you can apparently play single-round style like the original Knuckle Pine, or three-round style like Dash). This involved a long saga I won't recount here about getting Hypercam 2 to actually record sound, and then getting to record sound that is, you know, synched. With those issues finally vanquished, I was able to records some videos. Knuckle Pine 1 went off without a hitch and I'll lead off the series with that. In Knuckle Pine 2, though, Pine lost her top two minutes into a six minute video, and then she loses her bottoms for good measure. Since YouTube doesn't allow DISGUSTING NIPPLES - clearly, the human body is gross and should be hidden from view - this presents something of a problem. I tried using Windows Movie Maker to censor Pine's protrusions, but that didn't work at all. I got a free program called VideoPad, which works, kinda, but it's very imprecise; you can't make a censor bar and put it wherever you want, you have to add text and add spaces, and it'll add a bar of empty space, like " ". But you can't drag around where this bar is, you have to futz with it by changing the font size, hitting spacebar to make the bar longer, and hitting Enter to double its size. So you get something like this:
Now that's bad but not terrible. What's taking so long is that you have to split the clip every time you want the bar size to change, which it does a lot, since hitting your most powerful attack on Pine send her and her bare boobs flying, and on top of that she starts dancing around the ring later. So the video is, I'm afraid, going to be kind of, uh, bizzare looking. But consarn it, I spent hours getting Hypercam to work with synched motherfucking audio, so I'm going to use it. However, since I can just post the raw uncensored movies on like Rapidshare or Megaupload, I'll put up a download link to the original, un-censored versions on here. Oof!
Anyways, I guess this is all a little premature since this won't be going up until the Rumble Roses XX Singles tournament is finished, and that's got a while to run (Round 1 wraps up on 11/20, and then there's still seven videos to go - a week short of two months). The upside is that gives me a lot of time to procrastinate; I've been trying to censor this six minute video all day and I'm maybe a third done. I need an intern.
** Update **
Never mind; VideoPad ate my quality:
What the fuck. Back to the drawing board, I guess. Arrrrggghhh
** Update 2 **
Well, let's see if I can make a purse of this pig's ear. See if you can enjoy this. May I present a destroyed by VideoPad six minute Knuckle Pine Dash match in which I somehow manage to exactly tie Pine at the end of three rounds, which I think is awarded to her, which is proof that white guys on the internet are the real oppressed minority. Also, inconsistent censoring. (Basically, the file name is totally accurate):