Thursday, April 30, 2009

Top Comments April 2009

So, belive it or not, I read every comment posted on the videos that go up. Views are great and all, but it's really the comments that keep me making videos and putting them up every week. I enjoy reading all kinds of comments, but, and I don't feel bad saying this, the most flattering ones are the ones that I really save. With that in mind, here's compiled selection of some of my very favorite ones over the past year.

User YamatoXion on SC4 Santa vs Naughty Santa:

omg this is sad, guys getting excited over female characters fighting in their under wear

User redisngal1234 on Saint's Row 2 Fight Club Valentine's Day Special (Part 1):

ur player is completely naked ridiculous

User kwfine on Rumble Roses Live Action Reiko vs Makoto:

men enjoying watching women fighting are sick.
Please stop violence

User FXX360SPIDER on WAS Six Woman Tag Mayhem:

wow that is gay

Gems, all. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for anything great enough to be put into the next installment!

Friday, April 24, 2009

SvR schedule

So, this weekend I'm going to visit my grandma (awwwwwwwwwwwww), but I should have time to start uploading saturday's video before I leave at the uncivilized hour of 8:30 (IN THE MORNING). I'll be gone all weekend, so be good.

Going up Saturday is the last normal debut match; after that there's a tag match, then probably a week off for another Rumble Roses video while I get my shit together. And after that? Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho. I'm cooking up something big. Stay tuned.