So, whenever I record a WAS match, if there's more than one take, I've been holding on to the video files, with some vauge idea that I'd be uploading them here. So, here's four of them from March, because, quite honestly, these damn things are piling up and I really need to get rid of them. Until the day I become big and famous enough to charge for a DVD chock full of these (IE never), this is going to be the only way to get them. And yes, they're only on Rapidshare, sorry. (Megaupload doesn't have a multi-upload tool I can find.) Behold!
Four down. Whew!
Also, a scheduling note: I did the math, and as of right now, there are eight months of Wrestle Angel Survivor requests pending. So, in the post below where I talk about moving matches over at my discrestion... well, it's probably going to be most of them. Unless they outright remove wrestlers from 1 to 2, which I don't see happening, I'm probably going to switch over almost full time as soon as 2 gets here. We'll see about charecters whose art changes...