Friday, May 30, 2008

Remy Dadarne

So, the Wrestle Angel 2 survivor website is releasing art once or twice a week about what new charecters are in the game or, more often, what returning charecters will look like. The original game has a wrestler I've been meaning to use named Remy Dadarne - seems like her an Anne Beach might be a beach volleyball tag team or something. Right, so anyway, she's one of the two updated charecters whose art was just released.

(I'll urge you to click the link and look at the full sized art, because Blogger does some weird resize thing with the images, and you might not catch a detail.)
Now I think this looks pretty good, honestly. I'm a sucker for her haircut and her muscles are a nice change from most of the waifs in here so far. However, I urge you to look a little closer. Look, to be blunt, in her crotchal area.

Is that a bulge she has in her shorts??????

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mistress H-Move HQ downloads

OK, I'm going to try an experiment. YouTube unfortuneatly takes the beautiful clips the gamebridge captures and, as you know, makes them look terrible. Even the "high quality" setting on YouTube doesn't do them justice. So I'm going to post the raw video files here. Remember that this is just an experiment, and if I see these showing up on Revver or whatever, I'll be displeased. With that said, enjoy:
















Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last RR live action clip

Originally I wanted to post the last live action match as video 100, except that counting up the videos, it was going to be video frickin' 99. Luckily, after posting the First Person Marrige video, it can be number 100, yaaaaaaay. Today video 91 was posted, which means that the RR live action match should be posted on, uh... let me see here... June 21st? Hell, I don't know. That sounds about right.

PS: My birthday is June 15th, and yes, I expect gifts. I'll be keeping a list, and belive me, I'll remember which scrooges out there don't get me anything. Roar.

Friday, May 9, 2008

How to record a WAS video (Part 1)

Okay, let's try to get back on schedule. Today let's see what goes into making a Wrestle Angel video. Let's say a request comes in for, I dunno, Beauty Ichigaya vs Mighty Yukiko. Step one is to go to this page here. It has a listing of all the girls in the game. Except, of course, that the names are all in Japanese - you need to click on the name of a wrestler to see it in english. Like so.
Now, if I'm lucky, the request will be for two wrestlers I've already identified and saved in my big database. If that's the case, we're off to the races and I plug in the gamebridge and start the game up.

If not, it's time for a detour. I have three options. One is to harass the person via private message and go "where r they on this page lol!!!!". The second option is to try Google Translate - amazingly enough, it works pretty well. Maybe 70% of the girls have the correct names; The ones who don't either still have the japanese charecters, or silly names like "Cannabis Power of God" or "Mackie Drunk", both of which you have to admit are pretty good names.
If all else fales, I just click on each girl's face and... that takes a while. I've been through the list so many times I can kinda remember who's where. You'll notice they have different art styles (compare this to this to this) which does help. In any case, once I've gotten them picked out, it's time to turn the game on and pick exehibition. Here's the charecter select screen:

Looks simple enough, right? Except that the select screen doesn't match up with the fricking list on the website. While the website lists the first wrestler as Mighty Yukiko and Beauty Ichigaya, but on this select screen, the first two are Suzumi Ishikawa and Chizuru Nagahara. Thanks, guys. It could be worst, at least: The Legend charecters appear first in the page and in the game, so you can kind of guess what area in the list each girl will appear in.

Anyways, if you put your cursor over a name and hit square, a picture of the wrestler comes up. Most of them have a new picture here, of them in thier street clothes, and some of them are really cute. Check out Succubus Manabe's awesome jacket:

After they've both been found, they're assigned a power level, 1, 2, or 3 - I usually do the CPU at level 2 and myself at level 3 to start, because it's much easier to make an exciting match if I don't have to worry so much about just winning. If one girl is squashing the other, I'll go back and re-record the match on a different power level. Usually, if the wrestler I'm using is too strong for her opponent, I can mask it by intentionally using weaker cards, but if she's taking off a third of the lifebar with slams, I'll usually have to go for a re-record on a different power level.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? After selecting the power levels, you pick wether the CPU or a human player controls each wrestler, and set if they get thier finisher automatically - I always choose this, for extra drama.

And now we're ready to start the match! In part 2.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well, as I'm sure you've noticed, we're back in buisness! W000000000000000000000000, etc.

Since I was able to record matches, but not post them, during the downtime, I have quite a bit of material built up. At the moment I'm going to try to do a WAS video ever Wednesday, then alternate between SvR8/RR on Fridays. We'll see how long I can keep that up.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

STILL down!

So, the computer's been MIA for a month. I took it in, they replaced the hard drive, I took it back, wouldn't boot off the CD, back to the store, got that fixed, back home, it hangs when trying to install Windows, BACK to the store to get Windows installed by them.... and so on. I havn't heard back from them for a few days, which I'm sure isn't the best news.

In the meantime, I've decided I'll just try to get some videos posted. Even though all the videos in the can and all my tools are on that dead computer, this laptop is the one I use to actually record videos, so I may be able to get a few simple WAS or Rumble Roses movies up. (Maybe even a more complicated RR one if I can get Windows Movie Maker to not have a stroke and die when I try to use it on here.)
So, uh, stay tuned, and I guess keep those fingers crossed.