Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy holidays! (& bonus rumble roses images)
So, yeah. I'd like to do a video for some other holidays, but they only have the santa pack for SC4, so I can't make something like Talim in a dreidel outfit beating up Ivy in a menorah costume (although we can all agree that would be fucking awesome). Since Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve both fall on a Wednesday, and I usually put a video up on wednesday, I feel like I should do something special for new year's eve, but what? I toyed with the idea of doing a Fire Pro Returns match that counts down to a bomb exploding, but I don't know; that doesn't really feel like New Year's, does it? Maybe I'm too literal. It's not like I can make a baby with a 2009 sash beating up a old woman with a 2008 sash or something. So I think I'll just put a normal video up and yell IT'S THE LAST MATCH OF 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the video discription.
Also I've been thinking about this WAS 1 problem where they removed the wrestlers. Since they removed four, I'm very tempted to just do a WAS Removed Charecter Last Tag Super Beatdown or something. That'll let me knock out all four requests in one match, and hopefully I won't have to fire 1 up again. Of course, it's true that this isn't what people originally requested, but if they were here right now, I'd tell them HEY look over there, and then when they turned around to look where I was pointing, I would run out of the room at maximum speed with wacky cartoon va-va-voom sound effects.
Finally, big news: I finally used my gamebridge to capture a bunch of pictures from Rumble Roses XX. Most of these are from Live, so if you've uploaded a picture yourself, it might be in here! Some of these are naughty and some of these are funny. I think these are pretty PG-rated (the dirtiest shots are the glitches where you can see thru the girls' clothes, but they're like barbies under there). Try this link:
Click on the pix for beautiful high-quality versions. Arf.
** Update **
Looks like Photobucket pulled some of these. I'll put the whole collection up on Rapidshare or Megaupload or something. w/e, as the kids say.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
WAS 2 second bonus CD & Bonus bad news
OK! Download links for you:
Now the bad news: WAS 2 has, indeed, removed some wrestlers, including one of my favorites. Boo. So far the ones I've noticed are Sanae Katsuragi, Mayuri Ciater, Julia Curtis and Patricia Lewis. Mayuri I can take or leave, but come on, Julia is cute, and Sanae is awesome. I don't get why any wrestlers should be removed; they shouldn't need any new work to put them in the second game. Just copy and paste 'em! Jeesh!
Anyways, sadly, these four girls are all in WAS 1 requests, and quite honestly, I really don't want to go back to WAS 1. So we'll see. I don't want to cancel any requests, but....................... yeah, we'll see. If anyone who put in those original requests wants to cancel them, I'll take a new request and put it on high priority. Don't make me feel bad, people.
Anyway, that's it for today; No WAS video this Wednesday, since it's xmas eve and all, but I'll have something for you to enjoy.
** Update **
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Odds and ends
WAS 2 wise, I might skip the match this week; I recorded so much stuff that I'm getting mixed up as to what I've already posted or what order it should go in. I'm neurotic about what order the matches are posted in; I don't want to post two tag matches in a row, or two squashes in a row, or (horrors!!!) two videos where I lose in a row, or too many WAS 1 videos in a row, or if the last video didn't get as many views, I want to post a really good match, and, and, and... so I might just take this week off. At the moment I'm torn between posting two rematches featuring Dolphin Hayase, or one; I like her a lot, but they're both WAS 1 matches, and they're both against the same opponent, and I only have about a zillion requests waiting, so it seems kind of selfish. Then again, I can do whatever I want. So we'll see. Maybe I'll post a poll or something.
Also WAS wise, you might enjoy calpal80833's youtube channel if you like mine; his videos are just still images, but they might also be up your alley.
Smackdown vs Raw wise, gohwave posted a video of his 2009 wrestlers. Let's see if I can embed this thing:
I'll be honest with you: I really want that damn Tifa.
Also, we both have demons with red skin, but I think mine is like seven fet tall, and looks a good bit different. Hey, great minds can think alike without it being stealing. We'll see how it goes.
THQ hasn't released the CAW attributes patch yet, so I still can't record any matches. I do have a good deal of the roster set up; I'm currently dealing with insanely small niggling issues nobody but me will notice (how much eye makeup should I put on this wrestler wearing a mask whose eyes you can't see anyway?). My wife got a look at my roster and went, "Oh, so you're just doing everyone from last year again?!" - thanks, dear - so she's made a wrestler or two of her own. So if you see any wreslters I'm using that you don't like or think are lame, those are hers.
Other than that, now that the gamebridge is back, I'm kind of stymied; I don't have much time to record videos nowadays, and I've just been doing Rumble Roses videos because they make take a long time and be tedious, but there's really nothing difficult about them. (Ask me to have an exciting match in Rumble Roses XX; that's difficult.) I'm really meaning to get some more Soul Calibur IV videos, etc, in the can, but it's tough.
Finally: I'm going to be posting a few non-ryona videos on my channel; I've been playing Fallout 3 with the gamebridge while my wife plays Animal Crossing, and it means I've been able to record every nutty glitch I run into. I'm going to try not to overwhelm the channel with these, but some of them really do make me giggle. Maybe I'll make a non-ryona youtube playlist with them or something. We'll see.
End communication.
** UPDATE **
Of course, as soon as I'm done with this post, I go and post a WAS video anyway. Jeez!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
And we're back!
Not a great video, but it looks like everything's working again. The gamebridge now has to have all four plugs plugged in for S-Video mode; I hope it doesn't effect the picure quality in a negative light. Honestly, I'm just happy to have everything working again. Whew!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
WAS 2 Bonus Material (Part 1)
Anyway, on today's menu is the first CD, which comes packed in the game case itself. The name of it is apparently "Panic Live! Angels" and I'd love to tell you more about it, but since the liner notes are all in Japanese, um, yes. I'll be specifying which tracks are singing and which are just talking, in case you want to skip those. Here we go:
Track 1:
Track 2:
Track 3:
Track 4:
Track 5:
Track 6:
Singing! I wish I knew who this was. Catchy.
Track 7:
Back to talking. This one also has crying. ;_;
Track 8:
Track 9:
Singing! Not bad.
Track 10:
More talking.
Track 11:
Even more talking.
Track 12:
Singing! Actually very not bad.
Track 13:
Track 14:
MORE singing. Mild Goofy English alert. These music tracks are still better than I expected.
Track 15:
Talking, I guess, although there's also a little bit of puzzled moaning and then yelling.
Whew! One down, one CD to go. Stay tuned.
Update: Thanks to YouTubian SplendidChimp, here's some more information on the CD:
I've listened through the tracks enough to recognize and find out who sings which song. I will most likely get thier names wrong, as I am guessing based off of the pronunciations of thier names.
1st song: Misa (Track 6)
2nd song: Minami, or as I call her 'Angry Demon Bitch' Because that's what she sounds like. She also performs a move on Misa in Track 1, when she tells her to shut up. I assume that's the squeezing sound I heard.
(Track 9)
3rd song: Chidate & Megumi 'Stealing My Heart' (Track 12)
4th song: Yukiko Shinzaki AKA Mighty Yukiko (Track 14)
The 3rd song was the only one with an English pronunciation.
** Update 2 **
Monday, November 10, 2008
Good news / bad news
Sophia Richards: 3
Chisato Sakurai: 2
Calen Nielson: 1
Expect that match on Wednesday. I'll see about ripping the CDs as soon as I have some time. (Yes, even the drama CD, weirdos).
More good news, this time about Smackdown vs Raw: They're going to release a patch to let you freely manipulate CAW stats once you've completed Season mode once. The deliver date is "Before Jan 31st 2009", though, so... well, we'll see how it goes; It's good news, at least. Of course, now that I'll be able to use 2009, I'll have to re-create everyone...
And finally the bad news:
So, yeah. I've been able to play with it since then, but it's probably just a matter of time until it goes permanently. No 360 videos until further notice...
Friday, November 7, 2008
WAS 2 poll!
Charecter page is here.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
WAS 2 notes!
She's a little, um, intense, but I like her. In fact, I have to say just about all the new WAS 2 charecters are pretty good. I like 99% of the re-designs, too. I got a good feeling.
Second, in reards to my specific copy. The release date is today, but it hasn't been shipped yet. An email to my friendly import store resulted in this:
Hi Ryona King, thanks for your email. There was a shipment delay with our Japanese import packages earlier this morning but the Wrestle Angels 2 Survivor Limited Edition will arrive tomorrow and preorders will ship on Friday. Thanks for checking with us to make sure.
So, we'll see - I should have it in my hot little hands and a match ready by this Wednesday, I hope. Fingers crossed.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Two quick WAS notes
Second: WAS 2's charecter paged was updated, and there's new looks for three returning wrestlers: Sophie Sierra, Sophia Richards and (drumroll)
Gina Durham! I'm not sure about this; I'm really happy she has her specs on now, but I dunno about that face she's making. She looked a little worried in 1, but... oof.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Rematch Policy
All that being said, there will be some rematches from time to time, but they will probably stay pretty rare. At the moment I have one other rematch in the can, and it's a sequel to this:
You havn't seen the last of poor Dolphin Hayase, who is praying and taking her vitamins as we speak.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
WAS blooper matches / schedule
Four down. Whew!
Also, a scheduling note: I did the math, and as of right now, there are eight months of Wrestle Angel Survivor requests pending. So, in the post below where I talk about moving matches over at my discrestion... well, it's probably going to be most of them. Unless they outright remove wrestlers from 1 to 2, which I don't see happening, I'm probably going to switch over almost full time as soon as 2 gets here. We'll see about charecters whose art changes...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Smackdown vs Raw 2009 news.
To get Abilities for you created Superstar, you'll need to earn them in Career Mode. You do this by performing specific actions. Pull off at least 50 object attacks in your career, and you'll unlock the Object ability so that you can perform grapples with the stuff from under the ring. If you rake in three five-star matches with three different opponents who have the Dity Pin Ability, you'll get that Ability.
God - are you kidding me with this shit? I don't have time to "rake in three five-star matches with three different opponents who have the Dity Pin Ability" with every Dirty wrestler I create, God knows. Unless you can just assign these abilities after you've unlocked them, this looks like a gigantic pain in the ass. Uggghhhhhhh. We'll see how this goes.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Games schedule fall '08
Anyways, on to the individual games. First up are the big ones.
Wrestle Angel Survivor: Well, you all know the case with this. I have a bunch of matches to burn off for 1, and then we'll go straight into 2.
Rumble Roses: I don't see running out of Rumble Roses material anytime in the near future. Requests for it are mostly specific moves (see camel clutch party, etc.), but there's enough requests for matches and I might be able to find some more how to cheese material. Rumble Roses is pretty much the gold standard, so I'll probably be posting videos from it long into 2010 at least.
Smackdown vs Raw: I'll be wrapping up '08 when '09 hits. I'm kind of sad, actually, because it means I'll have to make all my god-damned CAWs in 2009 again. I really don't know why they don't let you import wrestlers from the previous year. I guess it wouldn't work since they keep removing create a wrestler options!
Anyways, I kind of like re-making the caws I've made myself (boxer, bunny, etc), but having to re-make Tifa and god forbid Elena's going to be annoying. Hopefully they're going to ease the ridiculous restrictions about what matches women can participate in, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
That's the big three. There are also some new games coming up...
TNA iMPACT: No women! I don't know what kind of bullshit that is. Midway's promised they'll be in 2, so if they do release a 2, I'll be on the case. Hopefully they'll raise the number of CAW slots from five!
Facebreaker: I was going to buy this, but after I got a look at how bad the create a boxer is, it's just a rental. You need to use EA's stupid GAMEFACE to make a boxer, and you can't change her moveset at all (wtf?) and can't really change her around much. I don't have a Live vision camera, and I can't get it to make a boxer based on any pictures I have, so... very limited. In addition to that the game has an insane pace and, frankly, I'm not sure how good it'll be to watch... I'll put a video up and see what happens. Disappointing.
Bishoujo Wrestler Retsuden: I still haven't been able to figure out how to get the sound to work on this. Also, one of the USB ports on the computer with my snes emulator on it died, so now both ports are taken up by my external hard drive and printer, so I can't plug my USB gamepad in. Not that I need it since you don't control your wrestler anyway! My laziness knows no bounds, I'm telling you.
So that's the short term prospects. Long term...
The Catfight: I really do mean to do another video at some point, since someone requested it; I might put it up April 1st, otherwise I can't really justify punishing the 99% of my fans who loathe the game.
Love Upper: I've got a project in mind for this, but it'll use at least two pieces of copyrighted music, so I'm a little paranoid. Plus, it's not going to turn out as good as anything this guy does anyway.
Total Knockout Boxing: Belive it or not, the Total Knockout Boxing is one of my most watched video of all time, I think the highest views of any game clip. I'd like to do another one of these, but it's a lot of work to make, and I'm not sure the strategy recommended even works.
Center Ring Boxing: I still have a video of all the hilariously useless camera angles (looking out of your opponent's stomach, etc.) from this game to post. Maybe that would be a good April 1st video? We'll see. Other than that, female boxing games are rare, but I think two videos of this is probably plenty.
Soul Calibur 4: I'm not really sure about this one. I think I got all the good critical finishes. I was mulling over doing a Heaven's Arch collection, but there's already one on youtube (albiet way too long at 6+ minutes). Maybe I'll put up a poll and see if there's any interest. Now that I got both the critical finishes I wanted, my wife has been making some videos on her own channel. I don't want to get her bad side, belive me :X
Games I'm totally done with:
Fire Pro Returns: I like this game a lot, but after doing one of every match type, I'm not really sure what else to do. This kind of got lost in the shuffle, so if there's another Fire Pro game that comes out here, I'll try to give it some more attention.
Fighting Beauty Wulong: Think I got all I can out of this one...
Simple 2000 vol 91 ("The All-Star"): Same here, not much to show.
So, um, that's all the ones I can remember right now. I've also been thinking about some older negelcted games like Raw 2 (and its hilarious season mode as a bonus), Def Jam: Fight for NY, Day of Reckoning 1 and 2, etc. - basically, anything and everything with female combat. Probably the only games I'll be avoiding are straight out fighting games like Street Fighter (not much ryona there) and the MK games, although if MK vs DC has a robust charecter creator, you never know.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
No videos this week
Friday, September 12, 2008
WAS/WAS2 newz u can uze
There are a fair amount of wrestlers whose appearance has changed between 1 and 2, so if that's the case, I won't be moving them. Otherwise, this will actually let me get to 2 sooner. So there's that.
Now about WAS 2: I guess requests are technically open, but please go easy on me for a little while. So, yes, I am, if you insist, start taking requests for 2.
You'll want to see the character page to see what wrestlers are available. Here's the character page, click on the thumbnail for each girl's individual page.
Now all that being said, there are some wrestlers I really, really don't want to use on this page. I've got a list of them below. I've tried to leave off wrestlers that I don't personally care for (like Alice Smirnov) and only put wrestlers that really have no redeeming value on this list. Now bear in mind:
Garm Takanashi
God, just look at her.
Arisa Morishima
Her left arm is four and a half feet long. And she calm palm a basketball with her left hand.
Ogre Asahina
Bomber Kishima
I'm not a big fan of her look (maybe if she was wearing her swimsuit from the beach scene), but she's actually on here because she has the world's most boring moveset. Shoulderblock after mother FUCKING shoulderblock.
Isabella Smith
She looks like a piece of broccoli.
So, that's all for now. Stay tuned...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Request Policy
I haven't had any problems with requests from users yet, but before I do, I thought I'd take a few minutes to lay out a request policy. I'd like to stress that, so far, nobody has been guilty of violating these items so don't feel bad if you're reading this and you've asked for something.
First: You're looking at minimum two week wait time, more realistically a month or longer. This is for two reasons. One, I'm a perfectionist. Two, I usually record ahead and have a bunch of videos in the can at any given time. Your request might be recorded a day or two after I get it, but all the requests before it in line go first!
If you've requested a Wrestle Angel Survivor video, you're looking at an even longer wait time - probably a minimum of at least six weeks. Take a look at my profile page - chances are all of those matches will be posted, at the rate of 1 a week, before yours. (Because I hate posting too many matches where I win or lose in a row, or too many squash matches in a row, or too many tag matches, etc, it may be sooner than that, but don't count on it.)
Once I reply to your comment or private message with "I'm on it," then I'm on the case. If you DON'T see me say this, it means I either missed your message, or I'm coming back to write it down later. If you don't see me respond to it at all after a week, feel free to send me a message; I try not to let it happen, but I'm sure a few requests have fallen through the cracks because I forgot to write 'em down right away.
Second: I hate to say this, but also try to make sure your request is understandable. The more clear and specific the request is, the better. If you just write something like "i want 2 see dixie/reiko thx" I need more information - the more specific the better. If English isn't your first language, don't worry; All the requests from people who don't have English as a second language have been easy to understand and work with. Also, if you're requesting a whole match, don't be afraid to ask for one girl to win. I tend to always book the same girls I like to come out on top otherwise.
Third: Once I've got your request, please don't harass me about it. If you want to send me a note asking when it's going up, that's fine. Asking about how the video's going is also fine. I want to really stress that. The only thing I don't want is messages bugging me about how it's not up yet. I don't need messages like WHERZ MY VIEO I NEED 2 C A BEAR MAUL TIFA LOL!!!!!
Sometimes I do forget about requests, although I try not to, or I get caught up in doing different games. I still mean to do another "The Catfight" video for someone out there. If you haven't seen your video and it's been 3 or 4 months, feel free to send me a gentle reminder.
Four: If you want to request the same video from someone else, that's your right, of course - but if they put the video before I do, I'll probably lose interest in posting my own. If it goes up after mine, I'll probably feel insulted - what, mine wasn't good enough for you? I don't want to seem like a prima donna here, and I guess I can understand why you'd request a video from more than one person, since we each have our own style - but if you're requesting exactly the same video from other people, my enthusiasm for making the video is going to be very low. All the more so compared to requests from people who aren't doing the same thing.
And that's about it, I guess. A final warning: Wrestle Angel Survivor 2 is coming out in November, and once it does, requests for Wrestle Angel Survivor 1 will be closed. They may even be closed before it's out, but after the release date is annouced; Once I have it in my hands, I won't want to post any more WAS 1 matches. Consider yourself warned. OooOOoooOOOo
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
One of MY requests goes up!
Yes, I'm the "RK" at the beginning. And - yes - this video is totally awesome.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Yuki Preset AKA Bishoujo Wrestler Retsuden
Anyways, this post is about Yuki Preset AKA Bishoujo Wrestler Retsuden AKA Beautiful Wrestler's History, which I do already have one video of posted:
Now I like this game, for two reasons. One is the graphics. We all love 3D mip-mapped heaving polygonal boobs, but these cartoon sprites are a nice change from Smackdown vs Raw and Rumble Roses. (Plus nobody in Smackdown vs Raw does these insane moves.) Two, it features charecters from the Wrestle Angel universe. Bonus points.
Now there are two problems, which is why you haven't seen any of these matches uploaded!
Problem 1: The videos I record have no sound. This is an issue due to zsnes, which makes you use this goofy program called mencoder or something. I don't think this is much of a stumbling block, because I was able to solve it back before the computer crash, so hopefully I should be able to solve it now. I just haven't had the time to fuck around with it at the moment.
Problem 2: The matches are all short. Now matches don't need to be 9:59 epic encounters to be entertaining, but these matches are really short. The one I've already posted is all of 1:35, and that's an unusual case. Singles matches usually don't go past a minute. These ladies don't mess around with restholds.
So, I don't know. Assuming I can get issue no. 1 ironed out, maybe I'll record a bunch and save them for a rainy day. I'm not sure if these will be Wednesday or Friday/Saturday uploads. Anyways, don't be surprised if you see a few appear over the coming months.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Things That Make You go Hmmmm
Merulu video posted June 26, 2008:
Looks like someone figured out how to request the same movie from two different people. I'm on to you, mister.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The biggest problem with Smackdown vs Raw's wrestler creator is the hair. If there is no hair that fits your wrestler, you're fucked. With clothes and everything else, you can fudge things with patterns or messing with the options, but you can't do that with hair. If the haircut you want isn't in the game, it isn't in there, and there's nothing you can do. Suffice to say, Elena's hair isn't in the game. In fact, nothing close to her hair is in the game. There isn't even a good blonde hairstyle near hers that doesn't include dark roots! This is why I like making my own CAWs - you don't go crazy trying to match hair. Heck, 08 doesn't even have any non-symetrical hair. There's maybe 12 total haircuts for women (and like 30 various states of balding for men). I miss the old games when they still had Selphie's hair. Oh well.
I had two other problems, the big one being her suit. She's supposted to be wearing the iconic dark blue Turks suit, of course, but for some reason, the only suit top that women can wear in this game has fucking pinstripes that you can't remove. So I had to tint it black to hide them. It does look a little funny, but you'll probably be distracted by her hair.
They also don't have the right shoes, but nobody looks at shoes.
Anyways, despite the bad hair, she doesn't look half bad. It does look more like Uma Thurman playing the part of Elena, but that's fine. Stay tuned for her debut match tomorrow.
Update: No matter what I do, she's getting sqaushed by Tifa. I'll have to continue pumping her up in season mode (her stats already almost match Tifa's...)
Her debut will have to be two weeks from now after I can get a good match out of her.
Update 2: PIX NAO
Sunday, June 22, 2008
RR Live Action Bonus Material!!
Bonus sex (POV one on one with Dixie):
Bonus fight & sex (Three guys on Reiko):
That's all. Enjoy.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What the french, toast?
WAS videos have low views, high comments
Smackdown vs Raw videos have high views, low comments
RRXX videos have very high views, medium comments
But everything is going topsy turvey in the past two weeks. Let's take a look at the videos I've uploaded in the past two weeks. First is Beauty Ichigaya vs Panther Risako with 830 views. That's fine. In fact, that's totally normal. WAS Videos don't crack 1000 views, but they get a lot of comments and people like them, which is why I keep posting them.
Now after that things start getting weird. The next video is Mystique's debut match vs Miss Bunny, which has only 650 views. Now bear in mind Tifa's match versus Miss Bunny is at 5,724 views, and two weeks later, Tifa taking on Miss Boxer got 2,866. So what's going on here? This is the first Smackdown vs Raw video that's tanked. Is it because there's no Tifa? Or are people sick of Miss Bunny? Or what's the deal? 650 views isn't really enough for me to keep making these, given the amount of time they take. Now I wouldn't have a problem if more than one person stopped by to comment on these, but there's virtual tumbleweeds blowing through the comments section. So what's going on here? Clue me in, people.
Next up is Tomomi Wanatabe vs Gina Durham. Most Wrestle Angel matches don't get too many views, but this one has 2067. I guess I can chalk that up to Tomomimania, but it seems kind of weird that a video featuring her gets triple the viewers.
Next is another odd case, a RRXX video with only 773 views. (For comparision, the last RRXX video is currently sitting at 9004!)
After that is another WAS video that's only our second video performing like usual - low views, high comments.
Finally is the most puzzling case for me, Tifa vs Mystique in Smackdown vs Raw 2008, with a WHOPPING 351 views. I'm totally stumped on this one: All the Tifa videos have high views, and there's no Miss Bunny around to blame. Do you guys really hate Mystique? What's the deal?
So the long and short is, I have no idea what the hell is going on. All I've learned is:
People really seem to like Tomomi Wanatabe
People don't want actual Rumble Roses matches, they want the same move repeated over and over while I zoom the camera in
God has raptured all my usual Smackdown vs Raw viewers
The RRXX video I'll write off as an anomoly (plus I'm stacked with requests for figure four parties, sleeper parties, Miss Spencer H-move parties, etc.), but I'm more worried about the Smackdown vs Raw numbers. I'm going to post one more Tifa match, and if that one tanks the way the last two have, it'll be time for a final match and bidding adieu to '08 forever. I'm not really sure what will take its place, because the RRXX matches people request require too much work to post one a week. As always, I'm open to suggestions...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Remy Dadarne
(I'll urge you to click the link and look at the full sized art, because Blogger does some weird resize thing with the images, and you might not catch a detail.)
Now I think this looks pretty good, honestly. I'm a sucker for her haircut and her muscles are a nice change from most of the waifs in here so far. However, I urge you to look a little closer. Look, to be blunt, in her crotchal area.
Is that a bulge she has in her shorts??????
Monday, May 26, 2008
Mistress H-Move HQ downloads
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Last RR live action clip
PS: My birthday is June 15th, and yes, I expect gifts. I'll be keeping a list, and belive me, I'll remember which scrooges out there don't get me anything. Roar.
Friday, May 9, 2008
How to record a WAS video (Part 1)
Now, if I'm lucky, the request will be for two wrestlers I've already identified and saved in my big database. If that's the case, we're off to the races and I plug in the gamebridge and start the game up.
If not, it's time for a detour. I have three options. One is to harass the person via private message and go "where r they on this page lol!!!!". The second option is to try Google Translate - amazingly enough, it works pretty well. Maybe 70% of the girls have the correct names; The ones who don't either still have the japanese charecters, or silly names like "Cannabis Power of God" or "Mackie Drunk", both of which you have to admit are pretty good names.
If all else fales, I just click on each girl's face and... that takes a while. I've been through the list so many times I can kinda remember who's where. You'll notice they have different art styles (compare this to this to this) which does help. In any case, once I've gotten them picked out, it's time to turn the game on and pick exehibition. Here's the charecter select screen:
Looks simple enough, right? Except that the select screen doesn't match up with the fricking list on the website. While the website lists the first wrestler as Mighty Yukiko and Beauty Ichigaya, but on this select screen, the first two are Suzumi Ishikawa and Chizuru Nagahara. Thanks, guys. It could be worst, at least: The Legend charecters appear first in the page and in the game, so you can kind of guess what area in the list each girl will appear in.
Anyways, if you put your cursor over a name and hit square, a picture of the wrestler comes up. Most of them have a new picture here, of them in thier street clothes, and some of them are really cute. Check out Succubus Manabe's awesome jacket:
After they've both been found, they're assigned a power level, 1, 2, or 3 - I usually do the CPU at level 2 and myself at level 3 to start, because it's much easier to make an exciting match if I don't have to worry so much about just winning. If one girl is squashing the other, I'll go back and re-record the match on a different power level. Usually, if the wrestler I'm using is too strong for her opponent, I can mask it by intentionally using weaker cards, but if she's taking off a third of the lifebar with slams, I'll usually have to go for a re-record on a different power level.
But I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? After selecting the power levels, you pick wether the CPU or a human player controls each wrestler, and set if they get thier finisher automatically - I always choose this, for extra drama.
And now we're ready to start the match! In part 2.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Since I was able to record matches, but not post them, during the downtime, I have quite a bit of material built up. At the moment I'm going to try to do a WAS video ever Wednesday, then alternate between SvR8/RR on Fridays. We'll see how long I can keep that up.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
STILL down!
In the meantime, I've decided I'll just try to get some videos posted. Even though all the videos in the can and all my tools are on that dead computer, this laptop is the one I use to actually record videos, so I may be able to get a few simple WAS or Rumble Roses movies up. (Maybe even a more complicated RR one if I can get Windows Movie Maker to not have a stroke and die when I try to use it on here.)
So, uh, stay tuned, and I guess keep those fingers crossed.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Well, it's been a horrible week. However, there is one thing that's been cheering me up, and I'd be a terrible person if I didn't share it with you.
Friday, April 4, 2008
So... nothing until further notice, I'm afraid. The computer that crashed had everything: My video tools, lists of which matches to post and when, all the videos themselves, etc. If by some miracle I'm back in action before next monday, there's another Tifa match to post. Fucking computers.
PS: Yes, I know this is what I get for using WINDOZE lawl ;_;
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Coming soon
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Spot the Difference
Then the higher quality version, located here:
So, if you can spot the diffrence....? Either video should look better than the old ones I've been recording using "Good" settings, in any case. Try adding that "&fmt=18" to future videos and see how they look. (I still have a stockpile of lower-quality WAS videos to burn off first, though, so it might not have any effect on future WAS videos for a while.)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I'll save the next match for when I'm running short on videos. In the meantime, I found a CAW for Tifa, so there will probably be some new Smackdown vs Raw videos coming up as she runs the gauntlet. I can't decide if she should debut against the bunnygirl - most girls do, but I don't want her to get overexposed - or maybe against the demon. But she already lost her debut match, and I don't want Tifa to lose her debut match. Decisions, decisions!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Much bigger news! As far as I'm concerned, the voting's closed on the RRXX live action videos, and by a vote of 4 to 3, I'm going to post both of them. You lucky dogs, you! Since I'm in a generous mood - huzzah! - I'll probably post the next one this weekend. Saturday is the most probable time. (I feel the need to post a RRXX How to Cheese about Miss Spencer, even though everyone already knows it, so I may post that on Friday, then the live action video on Saturday - Don't I just spoil you people!)
The two videos left are Makoto vs Dixie and Makoto vs Reiko - I'll probably put Makoto vs Dixie up first. Oh, stay tuned.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
No WAS this week
Oh - I almost forgot. The poll's currently tied, so go ahead and vote if you haven't already. I already voted myself, so I guess I could throw my vote out. Nah.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
So then I thought I'd use some of the helpful video editing tools I have! First up was Blaze Media Pro 7, which seemed to work okay - I saved the video and uploaded it. YouTube thought for a while and rejected it for being too long, and when I looked, it had added about 2:30 to the movie and totally desynched the sound. So, I tried different ways of encoding the video - this was with FFDshow - but there was no way to both get the movie to look any better than before and not totally screw it up and destroy the sound. I finally figured that out after, oh, three hours.
Okay, so next up was Adobe Premier. I'd heard good things about this, so I had high hopes. I imported the first clip, hit play, and.... it played the same four seconds of the movie and over and over and over until I closed the program. I do have to give Adobe high points for letting me know it's totally fucked up and broken right out of the box instead of making me fight with it for a while.
At this point, I thought what the hell, I'll try Jahshaka again. I imported the first MPEG, and......... total lock! Once again, I appricate the up-front nature of this.
So the long story short is, the bad looking video's up on youtube. If there's anyone out there with a gamebridge who knows of a mythical video editing program that can actually handle the MPEGs this things puts out, please let me know. THX
Friday, March 7, 2008
Anyways, I thought I'd mention the schedule in this post. Right now I'm trying my best to put up two posts a week - one WAS video on Wednesday, and one other game on Friday/Saturday. There was a time when I was doing three videos a week, but I think we can all agree that's a bit much. Not only do I now have a full time job, but I've also been playing Lost Odyessy and Dynasty Warriors 6 with my wife. (She does enjoy those two player WAS videos, since they almost always end in myself getting beaten up. Ow!)
Anyways, the WAS videos aren't too tough - I wait until there's enough requests and record them all in a big batch - but I'm not sure about what video to put up today or tomorrow. I have another How To Cheese RRXX ready, but I've been posting a lot of Rumble Roses stuff lately, and going WAS video/How to Cheese/WAS/How to Cheese bugs me. Yeah, it's silly, I guess. What I'd really like to put up is another Smackdown vs Raw video, all the more so because a request just came in. The requset is for Miss Boxer to knock out a taller girl, so I'm wondering if I should turn on KO and try to get one of those, or if it meets the criteria if she just pins her opponent. Then there's the tallness issue - do I put her up against the female demon I created? Does the person who requested the video want to see a monster in there, or maybe 6'1" She-Hulk (but wait, she has almost the same fighting style as the boxer) - or just a tall chick I'll create from scratch? These are the things that keep me up at night.
Well, you can check back tomorrow to see what I end up doing. I'll bet the suspense is thrilling you!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Let's embed a video!
I'll probably only post one or two videos that are already on youtube up here - after all, if you're reading this blog, you must be a fan. So here's this one just for now.
Monday, March 3, 2008
The gamebridge works well, and I got it in a clearance off fry's for like $3.95, so I can't complain. The only issue I have with it is that it lags a little bit when you record or stop. It's not a big deal, but it can make the video a second too short or too long, which I hate.
Why do I hate that? Because I really don't want to crank open Windows Movie Maker to clip out that one second. Videos uploaded to YouTube already look bad, but after being passed through WMM, they look even worse. Hey, sometimes I've gone through a lot of work for this footage - I want it to look as good as possible! As you might remember from this video
I tried Jahshaka, with some unfortuate results. After that a very kind person sent me some other video editing software, which is just what I needed, so I downloaded it, installed it, and still havn't taken the time to learn how to use it properly. My laziness is going to become an ongoing theme with this blog.
Coming up next: How I actually record the videos. Oh, I'll bet you can't wait!
I'll have an introduction and a first poll up later, but for now, let's start things off with a poll. I'm sure you've all already seen this video:
There's two more matches, but I'm not sure if I should post them. Mostly, I'm worried about getting zapped for copyright. As it is now, maybe 25% of the DVD is posted in that match. If I put up the other two, 90% will be up there. I don't think ZMA is going to come along and demand that it come down - I'm more worried about YouTube, who seems happy to remove users higgly-piggly lately. So, I'll leave it up to you, my loyal viewers (who have stumbled across this blog), to decide.